DNAngel friending meme

Nov 29, 2009 11:57

(D.N.ANGEL Friending Meme)

First friending meme, so yeah... As you can see, I'm so lazy that I used almost the same code from the blogcrew :l

Okay, it's open now. Just ignore the extra space here and there, since I'm tired from correcting the codes orz.

1. Fill it in.
2. Make new friends.
3. It's that simple~

Fill it:
Read more... )

friending meme, dnangel, i suck at codes

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innoc3nt_sorrow November 29 2009, 05:37:37 UTC
General stuff
Name: Ling
Gender: FFFF
Age: 15 going on 16 in January
Location: Singapore

Favourite characters: OT4 aka Dark, Daisuke, Satoshi, Krad, then maybe Riku.
Dark: He's a good person at heart despite his behaviour. Also, his hair is epic win.
Daisuke: I like the fact that he tries his best even if he flails. Then, he's a cute shota as well.
Satoshi: In fact he got me into fangirling Ishida Akira. He cares despite not showing concern.
Krad: My most favourite antagonist of all. His hair is prettier than Dark's and that cross is the best hair accessory ever.
Riku: So tsundere. And she's really smart and observant too. I really hope that she can finally confirm the Dark/Daisuke thing.
Favourite pairings: Dark x Daisuke (as partners in crime), Dark x Krad, Daisuke x Riku, Satoshi x Risa and for the lulz, Argentine x Towa.
Dark x Daisuke: ...has been canon since Chapter 1 and no one can deny this. Also, they really care for each other despite arguing all the time. Best partners in crime ever~
Dark x Krad: Opposites attract. And they complement each other so well. Besides that the story is most prolly going to end up with Daisuke x Riku and Satoshi x Risa, so Dark x Krad is the best.
Satoshi x Risa: Stage 3 Volume 22 had so many heavy hints after the previous subtle hints. Unfortunately it's too one-sided...
Argentine x Towa: Blame the Argentine Arc Special. The butler and the maid looked so cute together~
How did you get into the fandom?: Last year the anime was airing on TV, so I watched it and read the manga just at the time to read Stage 3 Volume 19 and the rest was history.
Name one other series that would have an excellent crossover with DNAngel and explain why (because this meme maker loves crossovers): Katekyo Hitman Reborn. I mean, Daisuke and Tsuna are so similar. Both of them have spiky hair, are the clumsy type, are of the same age...and involved in crime. Plus some other similarities that I'm lazy to list. I bet they would be best friends if they met, but only after the whole 'do artworks/mafia really exist?' thing XD

Other stuff
Fandoms (besides DNAngel): D.Gray-Man, Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hetalia, Karneval, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Kingdom Hearts, Kuroshitsuji, Monochrome Factor, Mother Keeper, Ouran High School Host Club, Persona 3, Rustblaster, Shugo Chara, Soul Eater, and Tales of the Abyss. I might have forgotten some here though...
Interests: Playing the piano, reading manga + novels, watching anime + dramas + youtube videos, drawing fanart, translating Chinese scanlations to English, playing MapleStory + Facebook games, sleeping, posting in forums and spazz about my obsessions to my friends.
Anything else?: Nice to meet all of you~

Yeah, that's Dark and Krad in the Vocaloid Magnet pose which I did on a base. Opposites totally attract. >D
dA link: http://mysterious-l.deviantart.com/art/Polar-opposites-attract-137633631


magicdragonomg November 29 2009, 19:51:44 UTC
真的吗? 你说中文吗?8D


innoc3nt_sorrow November 30 2009, 01:34:30 UTC
会说,只是我的英文比我的中文好... ^.^


magicdragonomg November 30 2009, 02:54:14 UTC
我也~ 我有两个年的中文课,所以我中文中得马马虎虎。 D;

lol, I hope I'm doing this right. x__o;


archylas December 8 2009, 12:23:50 UTC
Doing this for my own amusement.

General stuff
Name: -points to name-
Gender: Would you like to make a guess?
Age: 14
Location: Near the equator.

Favourite characters: Argentine, Risa, Satoshi.
Why: Argentine is a tragic and compelling character (or artwork, per se), and I find myself liking him for what and who he is since he's so complicated. He also has a human heart for a Hikari artwork and he kidnaps Risa in a vain attempt to reach his goal. Plus, his interaction with Risa is amusing considering how straight-forward and dense he seems.

Risa - Typical fangirly girl, but she does have her good points. I prefer her over Riku, partly because I'm really tired of tsunderes by now.

Satoshi - The same with Argentine, minus the artwork bit. He also a child prodigy and a bit of a kuudere.

Favourite pairings: Argisa and Satorisa. Yes.
Why: Argisa - This is self-explanatory, I suppose. Although I know this pairing is not canon, the evidence sourced from Vol. 11, 12 and 13 where he kidnapped her gives subtle hints (for me, at least) and their interaction is cute and amusing.

SatoRisa - Do I need to explain this?

How did you get into the fandom?: My mum happened to be surfing the television programmes by random and came upon the part where Dark was... um, distracting Riku (cough). It goes from there.

Name one other series that would have an excellent crossover with DNAngel and explain why (because this meme maker loves crossovers): Hmm, I'm not sure about this since I'm not into crossovers myself.

Other stuff
Fandoms (besides DNAngel): Too many to list. The ones I can name from the top of my head is Hetalia, PoT, Gundam SEED, Naruto, Princess Tutu, Ascribe to Heaven, Digimon and Death Note.
Interests: Writing, watching anime, reading manga and etc.
Anything else?: Fandom needs more Argisa. Fufufu.


innoc3nt_sorrow December 8 2009, 12:43:40 UTC
LOLwut? When did Satoshi become dere?

Now that you mention it, I agree.

For the DNAngel dere family:
Riku for sure. Towa also, for Argentine.
Krad because he is that psychotic and homicidal despite looking angelic. Dark to a certain extent because he can go batshit insane as shown in Stage 3 Voume 22.

Not so dere but I'll include this in:
Hetare: Daisuke. I'm sorry.

IDK what dere should Risa be 8D


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