[blogcrew] DNAngel pairings

Nov 09, 2009 13:17

☆ 4 claims per user, 10 users per claim. F-list can claim more, of course.
☆ I'm claiming Dark x Daisuke, Dark x Krad, Daisuke x Riku, Satoshi x Risa and Argentine x Towa, so all these pairings have 11 spots.
☆ First come first serve.
☆ No drama please, this is just a blogcrew. If that happens, Krad will go after you + ( Read more... )

blogcrew, dnangel

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fourier November 9 2009, 07:10:01 UTC

No drama please, this is just a blogcrew. If that happens, Krad will go after you and you know you don't want that to happen. (:
I kinda do want it to happen 8D -gets shoot my mysterious force-

Can I claim, Krad x Dark, Krad x Argentine (I don't think I've seen this, but it sounds awesome anways XD), Satoshi x Risa, Dark x Himself and Dark x Daisuke~?
Hm...I think that's it...
Please and Thank you~♪


innoc3nt_sorrow November 9 2009, 07:15:12 UTC
Maybe I should rephrase it into Krad will kill you instead 8/

Of course! I LOL'd at Krad x Argentine (when I thought Dark x Argentine was weird enough) and Darkcest. (so narcissist, eh?) *adds*


fourier November 9 2009, 07:36:41 UTC
Although think about it, will Dark let Krad go around killing random people~ 8D
Besides, I'm not the type to create any drama, too troublesome...-.-"

WHY NOT, They're both completely obsessed in something, dark's enemies and not to mention both look really pretty~
(They can have fun trying to outsmart each other? XD)

I'm sure he loves himself~


innoc3nt_sorrow November 9 2009, 07:44:56 UTC
LOL no. And they will end up fighting! :D That's one of the reasons on why I partially like the anime better than the manga

Yeah, and the both of them are really lonely in some way. Besides that, they are all 'Hikari' stuff. (But Krad has more powers than Argentine as half of the Black Wings. :/)

Still, that's a disturbing thought. I can somehow imagine him to the Lo'real hair flicking advertisement as you say this.


fourier November 9 2009, 07:54:17 UTC
I'll grab my nearest video camera and get all of it taped (so it lasts longer)~ XD
I like both, can't choose either one. I do think the anime seems some sort of pieced together too much while the manga doesn't have as much action as the anime.

Goes nicely together, even if it does sound sad...in a way...
(Therefore Krad x Argentine not the other way~)

I'll personally kill whoever signed him up for it in the first place -glint-


innoc3nt_sorrow November 9 2009, 08:03:00 UTC
Me too! And I agree with the manga having too little action. Especially DarkKrad.

Of course, the only pairings that Argentine x someone are het that I know of so far. I have a friend who ships Argentine x Risa :D

NOOOO! The fangirls would killbyou. Besides that, I would want to see an advertisement like that XD

PFFT. Dark doesn't need any kind of shampoo to keep his hair pretty. I bet that it's part of his powers.

And that's why both halves of the Black Wings have excellent hair without the use of hair products. >D


fourier November 9 2009, 12:30:49 UTC
Lol Home Theater special~ 8D
Unless it's being saved till right to the end of the series...-.-"

Argentine x Risa is sorta sweet~ :D

His hair is fine as it is, it doesn't need any other sources to say how pretty it is XD
If he does get on TV, won't the authorities be after him ^^"

They are works of Art~


innoc3nt_sorrow November 9 2009, 12:47:07 UTC
OMG YES. But that's still too little as compared to all those SatoDai implications >:

Yeah, I wonder what would happen if Risa drops by at Daisuke's house now with Argentine around. I can foresee lots of trouble there >D

Wasn't he on TV all the time due to his awesomeness and the authorities always after him (fine, Satoshi)?

He always escapes because he's the ~*kaitou*~

Hikari's artwork are always pretty. Krad is still prettier than Dark, LOL.


fourier November 11 2009, 12:11:28 UTC
Makes me want a digital surround sound system XD
There could be a separate arc for DarkKrad...?

The Nias will have one amusing time trying to keep them apart or out of trouble ;|

But he always flew off somewhere afterwards to somewhere and they can't track him before/after/when he's there.

As much as the sparkles I'm imagining are there I have to agree 8D

PFT At least they're both still works of -sparkles- Art~ -sparkles-


innoc3nt_sorrow November 12 2009, 10:48:28 UTC
I have one at home >D

Either that, or Dark tries and kill Argentine while Daisuke desperately tries to stop him.

Why of course yes. And those somewheres are uh, out of bounds.

I just thought of something. If there's a DNAngel host club, Dark will be Tamaki (Vic Mignogna LOL), Daisuke is Haruhi, Satoshi is Kyouya, Risa and Riku are the twins, Krad is Mori and Argentine is Honey. Y/N? :D

You forgot to include the ~*asterisks*~ >l


fourier November 12 2009, 11:34:14 UTC
Lucky you >|

Oh I can just imagine that scene now... -evil glint-

Therefore, you can't put Dark on any legal broadcasting show ^^ Otherwise he could get caught or...escape again...


Now isn't that better than asterisks? 8D


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