(no subject)

Dec 11, 2008 10:28

cos i have no idea wad to call tis entry.

so i tink tt i'm going to be quite dead, trying to finish camp reflections for my Red Cross camp, holiday school activities and stuff.

is very tired now...

anyway here's my random Christmas wishlist of things which i dun tink i'll get the items.

1. I hope tt Hoshino-sensei ( author of D.Gray-man ) will get better from her illness by then. i srsly missed the weekly manga...
2. DNAngel 12 in traditional Chinese (even tho i can't read it well enough )
3. better grades next year.
4. more free time to spend on the computer.
5. I want Yugioh to be back on free-to-air TV channel. it ttly disappeared all of a sudden while I was watching the Battle City arc. D<
6. oh, and Code Geass to be move from the 11pm slot to a saner timeslot. ( btw i started reading the manga. Neko Lulu in chapter 7 was so cute :D )
7. more D.Gray-man episodes from the current 2 per week on the said channel.
8. deviantArt subscription.
9. Krad or even just at least a mention of him in the nxt DNAngel chapter.
10. all of the above to become true. LOL.

then and again, that's just wishful thinking.

dnangel, d.gray-man, life

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