Just another meme

Aug 18, 2009 21:41

...I am such a bad FMA fan. T_T

1. Who is your favorite FMA character?
Edward ftw.

2. What is your favorite pairing?
Edward x Winry forever~

3. Are you a FMA yaoi or hentai fan?
Neither. Somehow I can’t stand FMA yaoi when I’m perfectly fine with yaoi of other fandoms

4. Ever cosplayed a FMA character? If so, who, where and how many times?
No D:

5. List your collection of FMA junk and merchandise, if any:
FMA volumes for the omakes, that’s all.

6. Have you ever felt that you were destined to be with a FMA character?
I’m not THAT obsessed with FMA

7. Ed/Win or Roy/Ed?
Ed/Win. Roy/Ed is practically pedophilia.

8. Al/Win or Al/Mei?
Al/Mei because I support Ed/Win.

9. Ed/Al or Ed/Alfons?
Ed/Al because brotherly love pwns all.

10. Have you watched the new series yet?
I don’t watch the anime at all.

11. Do you think Ling will survive?
Yes. He should and will.

12. Who is your favorite homunculus?
Lust. I was damn sad when she died.

13. First anime!Ed or second anime!Ed?
Again, I don’t watch the anime D:

14. Have you seen all first anime episodes so far?
Read above

15. Have you read all the chapters so far?
YES  (:

16. Do you like Rosé?
Once she stands on her own legs, yes. Or else, no.

17. Sub or dub?
Dub. I find feminine-sounding Ed creepy. :/

18. Pro-Winry or Anti-Winry?
Pro-Winry. No Winry, no Edward. Take that, Winry bashers.

19. When did you get into FMA?
Last year.

20. What got you into it?
Because people said that the story was similar to DGM and I’m a DGM fan too.

21. Your thoughts on Hoho-papa...
Awesome sauce.

22. Which character would be the best cross dresser?
Definitely Envy >D

23. Alfons or Ling?

24. Which character would be the best OOC?
Out of character? Envy!

25. Do you like FMA fanfics?

26. Do you write FMA fanfics?

27. Do you like lemons?
What kind?

28. Do your parents know about the FMA characters?
A bit. Especially on how short Edward is.

29. Have you worn FMA stuff to school?

30. Have you seen fanart for it?
Yes, duh.

31. Have you ever gotten someone else hooked on FMA?

32. Have you ever been drawing FMA in school and has someone recognized it?

33. Have you ever been in class drawing FMA and the teacher came up to you and said 'WTF is this?'
No (:

34. Has FMA affected your school life and grades?
No. Other fandoms are worse…

35. Are you broke thanks to FMA?
Always broke anyway

36. Do you want to do alchemy?

37. Do you wish the series was about to end?
Yes. Because I haven’t read any series that ended serializing when I was still reading it.

38. Do you draw FMA fanart? If so, count how many there are in your gallery?
Rarely. And it’s just in my notebook

39. Have you made an AMV for FMA?

40. Do you have a FMA OC?
No OCs at all, thank you.

memes, fullmetal alchemist

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