HA, omg. I've never seen that soup commercial, but i would feel the *exact same*!!!
Oh, TJ. *pets him*
I was sick starting early Sunday (maybe Sat. night?) up until late Wed/half Thurs, I'd say. Finally feeling normal today, only got to take one day off work. Blech.
Hope you don't catch the bug! It's chilly and overcast and *autumnal* here, I am delighted.
Oh, man, that commercial is positively enraging! And I'm sorry you're sick! The temperature here has been fluctuating between 40s and 70s, which is confusing everyone and no one knows just how to dress for the day. So far, my policy of holing up in my apartment all by myself has kept me from succumbing to illness, but my new office (we moved Thursday evening and I'm still sharing with the same teammate) is tighter quarters than the old one, and in a more heavily traveled corridor, so who knows how long my little quarantine will stay effective.
Aw, it's okay - I'm mostly well now. We have a ton of idiots at my work who don't know how to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze, as well as utterly useless cleaning people.
So i wash my hands a *lot*.
PA was amazing, and Sebastian Stan is freakin' adorable and gorgeous and....*flails*
Hey, have you seen Kings? SS being lovely and amazing and emoting all over the damn place.
It's not so much that people at my office don't know to cover their mouths - it's more that I'm on the subway for a minimum of 90 minutes each day, crammed in with people who are in various stages of illness and recovery, and then in meetings with people who are fighting off colds. It's basically a powder keg, you know?
I started watching 'Kings' - it was so damn evil and dark, it made me kind of cringe. I wasn't quite as *aware* of SS then, yet, and didn't see it through.
It's operatic, and definitely not flawless, but given your awareness of SS, I'd say it's a must-watch. You can stream the whole thing from the NBC site (I put a link in my actual Yuletide letter). Go forth, and revel in Jack!
Oh, TJ.
*pets him*
I was sick starting early Sunday (maybe Sat. night?) up until late Wed/half Thurs, I'd say. Finally feeling normal today, only got to take one day off work. Blech.
Hope you don't catch the bug!
It's chilly and overcast and *autumnal* here, I am delighted.
So i wash my hands a *lot*.
PA was amazing, and Sebastian Stan is freakin' adorable and gorgeous and....*flails*
It's not so much that people at my office don't know to cover their mouths - it's more that I'm on the subway for a minimum of 90 minutes each day, crammed in with people who are in various stages of illness and recovery, and then in meetings with people who are fighting off colds. It's basically a powder keg, you know?
Glad you're mostly better!
I might try again.
I'm convinced. :)
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