Superhero Meme and Freedom Speech

Mar 21, 2006 16:31

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Orange Gorilla
Your Superpower is Undead
Your Weakness is Cotton Candy
Your Weapon is Your Mystic Bullets
Your Mode of Transportation is Rocket
What's your Superhero Name?

Listen, it's an interesting debate, isn't it, about whether or not this country of ours ought to work to spread liberty? I find it fascinating to listen to the voices from around the world as to whether or not it is a noble purpose to spread liberty around the world.

And it is a -- I think it's -- at least my position is affected by my belief that there is universality when it comes to liberty.

This isn't American liberty. This isn't, you know, America's possession. Liberty's universal. People desire to be free.

And history has proven that democracies don't war. And so part of the issue is to lay peace is to give people a chance to live in a peaceful world where mothers can raise their children without fear of violence, or women are free to be able to express themselves.

That we ought to pursue liberty; we ought to not be worried about a foreign policy that encourages others to be free.
What kind of mindset is it of people who say: We must stop democracy? Democracy is based upon this kind of universal belief that people should be free.

And yet there are people willing to kill innocent life to stop it. To me, that ought to be a warning signal to people all around the world that the enemy we face is an enemy that ascribes (sic) to a vision that is dark and one that doesn't agree with the universal rights of men and women.

As a matter of fact, when given a chance to govern or to have their parasitical government represent their views, they suppressed women and children.

There was no such thing as religious freedom. There was no such thing as being able to express yourself in the public square. There was no such thing as press conferences like this.

They were totalitarian in their view. And that would be -- I'm referring to the Taliban, of course.

And that's how they would like to run government. They rule by intimidation and fear, by death and destruction. And the United States of America must take this threat seriously and must not -- must never forget the natural rights that formed our country.

And for people to say, "Well, the natural rights only, you know, exist for one group of people," I would call them, you know -- I would say that they're denying the basic rights to others.

----President Bush

rl, meme, politics

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