
Dec 22, 2007 14:33

Why am I so behind in fandoms?
I heard that Cedric is going to be Edward. I don't even know who Bella is. I'm kinda....not caring actually, because I doubt they can ever capture that book the way I experienced when I read it. I'm figuring the movies are going to be like the sequels were. Fun, a bit trite, and maybe curiosity compels you to see them, but never an experience like the first reading was.

Anyway, I also heard that JKR gave another interview. Except I'm not sure what she said in it. Maybe I should go find it, just to see.
Ok, I loved these passages, proving that she can still touch a cord with me in some ways. These are threads of the story that I fell in love with in the books. Sort of.

"Dumbledore who was the great defender of love, and who sincerely believed that love was the greatest most powerful force in the universe, was himself made a fool of by love. In his youth he became infatuated with a man who was almost his dark twin. He was as brilliant he was morally bankrupt, and Dumbledore lost his moral compass he wanted to believe that Grindelvald was what he wanted him to be.
.....Young love.....
We fill in the blanks in the beloved's personality with the virtues we would like them to have.
...Appeared to be offering him a solution to his dilemma...
It's often those things that just strike you like lightening that are the right things.
You know. Sometimes you have to work very hard for something and finally something shifts in your brain and you just think, yes of course that's it. but I love it There's no better feeling than when it comes out of nowhere and you think, ah perfect thank you."

Anyway, fannish things aside, rl responsibilities are calling me now. I do have some new crookwig cartoons that I need to scan, color and put up though.
Hmm.....What to do, what to do.

me, twilight, crookshanks, hp

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