Jan 01, 2007 00:01
The Best of 2006
Best movie: Lady in the Water
Best album: Awake - Josh Groban
Best song: Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Best book: The End - Lemony Snicket (Series of Unfortunate Events)
Best TV show: Amazing Race 10
Best Website: Television without pity
Best Fandom Moment: Certain reviews on my stories. It's nice when they're appreciated.
Best Family Moment: My little sister telling me I was and am her best friend.
Best Date: Ottavio's. Love the chicken alfredo and italian creme sodas.
Best Personal Achievement: My empowerment never wavering despite the adversity I continue to face.
The year in review:
Take a sentence from the first post of the first day of every month of 2005 to get your review of the year.
January: Happy New Year everyone!
February:I watched the State of the Union Address last night, and I really enjoyed it.
March: I was the leader of the outcasts and we were infinitely superior.
April:Techonofly guy is a crybaby
May: It's like she almost apologizes, and then slaps me, and then says, I just love you, why can't you drop it!?
July: I am an aunt again!
August: Thanks for reading, and commenting, joking and supporting me.
September: You can only reach out so many times before it hurts too much to even think about, and you keep to yourself to spare yourself the pain that never really goes away.
October: Much glee to ensue.
November: Depressing music doesn't help, but it's all I want to listen to right now.
December: So...I hate myself anyway.