3 am.
why are we so hott?
you best friends love you and love being with you
look how retarded I look in that picture. I hope it makes you laugh a
lot, we were all cracking up soo hard except kyle he's a hardass and
everyone knows it ;)
you me and ally played dress up:
( I would put pictures of ally here in here too but I know she would murder me for those one..remember the rollers?)
haha i stare in wonder at your beauty
ahahahhaa that was so fun!
dance party!!
hahahahhaa look at my hair.
hey, it was a long day.....please dont ever let me do that again. thanks.
best friends forever
best day in the whole universe.
that was my birthday when you came over :)
but before that you gave me your poncho and i wore it into little ceasars and you took this picture
blurry :(
I love that picture
kyle is hilarious.
For your birthday i just want to give you a collage of hilarious
pictures of kyle. I wish we had pictures of that night you me and him
went on the trail really late and sang flo in the woods so that I
wouldnt be so scared. haha i only had one shoe on at the rocks and all
the way back i forgot about that. i wish i had pictures
oh well, "we had our chance"
......your mom was rapping, hahahhahahaha
this was at melissas party
this is where we went on the last day of school and had a picnic, and
took pictures and peed in the woods and laughed soooooooooooo hard, and
then rode out bikes to the lake in the rain, and saw deer, and then sat
and the dock with our feet in the water singing flo and eatting
crackers and peanutbutter
you were sick but me and kyle picked you up to go get ice cream and he brutally attacked you
you and madison
on the way up north
our home for the weekend. we had like, 5 sleepovers in a row and listened to the zero 7 cd over and over again
I wish we had pictures of our lyrical dances to feeling left out
when we went to your church a couple weeks ago
me with your grandmas bird!!!!
all of these pictures are blurry and they suck :(
we're going to be best friends forever and ever...aeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeae
your friends love you soooooooooooooooooooo much, especially me
and we are so lucky to have you in our lives.
thank you so much for always being there for me. we have so many
memories together, and I'm so thankful to have you as my best friend.
we've done everything together and told eachother everything, and I've
never laughed harder than the times I was with you. I love you so much.
let's get together and do more lyrical dances to flo in cars. did we
ever give kyle those pictures we made him of songs?! i forgot about
that. i can't wait until you get your liscence. we're gona be hottness
on wheels. and then christmas is over so we can buy for ourselves,
finally, jeeze. hahaha ...and i'm excited to go to your cabin again
this winter. We have so many more memories ahead of us and I want
to spend these years with you. You're the most amazing girl in the
I hope you have the best birthday and a wonderful christmas.
I love you