Someone PLEASE tell me that work is cancelled tomorrow.
I want to stay up all night.
Did anyone else notice that 2/22 was Cat Day in Japan? The holiday was created by the Japan Pet Food Association in 1987. Of course, it's mainly of note because fanartists on Pixiv have embraced it like they do any excuse to create cute themed fanart, so there was lots of cat-related artwork all of a sudden. I like cats, so it's all good (if somewhat peculiar but I'm used that that by now).
IN CASE ANYONE MISSED IT (because I only noticed today), Tonari de Nemurasete (a Giant Killing doujinshi by Yoneda Kou/Raw.) got scanlated and is available
here. I feel like there's something not quite right with the characterisation of Akasaki but I do like the pairing and drunk Sera is perfect and so cute. I also heard on Tumblr that Yoneda Kou has expressed a liking for the idea of Sera topping Sakai? I have such a craving for this at the moment, I really REALLY hope she draws it because I'd be all over that.