I can say it with certainty now; Aquarion Evol is THE BEST CRACK THIS SEASON. I wasn't planning on watching it (so I haven't seen the related anime but I honestly don't know whether that would have made it more comprehensible and less WTF AM I WATCHING or not and in any case I doubt I need the background knowledge to enjoy this) but then I downloaded it on a whim and now I'm stuck with it, because it looks gorgeous and it's full of this charming and eager sexual innocence and ATTACK CALLING AND GATTAI (ALTHOUGH IT SEEMS THE OFFICIAL TERM IS UNION BUT WHATEVER IT'S ALL BASICALLY A EUPHEMISM ANYWAY). So I don't really know what's going on, but I like it? I've only just watched episode 4 but AAAAH. I WANT MORE. Are any of you watching it? I think I'll go back and watch Sousei no Aquarion soon.
I feel like I should be spending most of the time I watch it laughing at it (and for some of it I am, I AM) but I also find it quite charming, and it helps that Amata has precisely the right type of puppy-like earnestness to be cute instead of irritating, and that I like almost all of the supporting characters, and the way everyone interacts (those reactions of the girl's side and the boy's side in talking to the ones who had done the forbidden male-female Union were hilarious and SPOT ON).
In short, it's really cheesy and the attacks make me laugh (I still haven't recovered from FLYING LOVE ATTACK and DOGEZA ORZ) and NOT EVEN THE BERLIN WALL CAN COME BETWEEN HORNY TEENAGERS. I am probably more interested in seeing how it all turns out than I should be, BUT IT'S A LOT OF FUN.
Aquarion EVOL OP I really have NO IDEA how to write a proper rec.
I suppose I should mention the plot? 12,000 years have passed since the events of the previous series (which I don't know). EVIL ABDUCTORS are stealing humans, and to defend against them the organisation Neo-DEAVA forms two teams of mecha pilots and operates by dividing the teams by gender, and forbidding male-female contact of any kind among those fighting the Abductors (particularly prohibited are the male-female Union/combinations whilst in combat but of course this is going to get THOROUGHLY TRASHED) SO UH WHAT ELSE THERE'S SPIRITUAL UNION BETWEEN PILOTS TO POWER COMBINING MECHA SOMETHING SOMETHING REINCARNATION.
SO MANY POSSIBILITIES (in the last episode there was a 2:1 ratio of boys to girls, and one of the boys was Mikono's OLDER BROTHER, although the series took great care not to give that part such a glowing overtone of sexual pleasure LMAO).