Jul 10, 2011 22:13

(Yes, that's a clip from the first episode of Mawaru Penguindrum.)

There are already so many theories about this show, and I don't have a clue which way it's going to go from here but there are several suggestions that I like. Definitely think that those books shown beside Himari's bed are going to be incorporated into the story (and can I just say that I love the theory that everything we see post-hospital scene is a fabrication lifted from details of real life by Himari?), which should lead to some wonderful fantastical/fairy-tale elements or at least some interesting themes. I also saw a suggestion in a comment on that video as to the origins of the possessor/s, not sure if I buy into it but it's fascinating to me (have been so interested in the implied INCEST AS SURVIVAL STRATEGY and am in need of more detail).

I liked Kanba from the start, and am hoping to see the series deal with the brothers' (very believable in the absence of parental figures and especially given the fact that they are the ones who care for Himari during her illness) unusual relationship with their little sister in the serious and considered manner it deserved, but I'm not going to lie, by far my favourite part of the episode was the kiss just before the end (THAT MOMENT where THE SERIES ACTUALLY GOES THERE ALREADY and the music just CUTS). HNNG THAT WAS PERFECTION. AND TWIN BROTHERS PLUS LITTLE SISTER IS A MAGICAL FORMULA.

i have no shame, anime, i ship it, mawaru penguindrum, nothing says love like incest

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