OKAY. The Sengoku BASARA
friending meme is up.
And I have watched episode 5. I really get the feeling this series is not going to disappoint me; that was an awesome episode and included pretty much everything I hoped it would. It even managed to make my heart beat faster than normal towards the end, as it got pretty dramatic there. I really don't want to have to wait a whole week for the next episode. At least I have subs to look forward to (and yeah, I have to admit that I probably missed out on a lot this time apart from names and calling attacks). Was really impressed with the soundtrack this episode. Not just the music but also the silences and the sound effects of battle. Perfect. I watched the episode whilst wearing a rather decent pair of headphones which I'm sure helped, as I generally find that much more immersive, but anyway. I was impressed.
I took a few caps (well, I meant it to be a few but actually there's TWENTY), so those are
here if you're interested. I will almost certainly cap it subbed, too.
Masamune's horse is HUGE. (I tried resisting the urge to cap every shot where he and Kojuro are together, but I basically failed. It'll be worse when I cap it with all the dialogue subbed - I wish I knew what was being said!)
A loving glance before battle... Oh, you two! (I-I... I kind of ship them...)
Okay, so I thought those two horses had been beheaded, but what warlord doesn't have an unlimited supply of massive black horses?
Kenshin is actually rather awesome, and has grown on me recently. At least we're not having to sit through the Kasuga and Kenshin Exposition Hour anymore. I like Kenshin a lot better in action.
And speaking of Kasuga, she had a cool moment this episode (as in, she did something other than swoon or get irritated with Sasuke).
Yukimura had a moment of angst on the battlefield over having to kill a soldier whose brother (I think?) had just been killed... In the end, Sasuke did it for him. I actually love this series for including things like this; it manages to convey a fairly complex array of emotions without going overboard. I felt the same way about Masamune's fight with Keiji; tone of voice/body language/expressions etc were all quite revealing.
I LOVE THIS SERIES. It looks stupid as a cap, but the fights were actually really epic this episode. I love the way the camera shakes at times.
I just...love how confident he looks.
Just before this, there was an aerial shot of the two forces facing each other... Masamune's brigade is actually pretty small in number.
Far, far too awesome for his own good.
Also, I noticed earlier in the episode that a couple of his soldiers (at least two, maybe more) also have handlebar reins for their horses. There wasn't a full shot, though.
Needs no words.
"MI-TSU-HI-DE." He sounds so menacing.
The inevitable confrontation.
Oichi runs on to the battlefield right when Nagamasa starts to look worn out. Akechi brought her down from the mountain (where Oda Nobunaga watches events and influenced the weather, presumably because he just exudes evil).
Can you guess what she's saying here? (Hint - if you guessed anything other than "NAGAMASA-SAMAAAAA!" you'd be WRONG.)
They all turn around at her cry and see what's behind her. SHOCK!
Mitsuhide is a deliciously evil bastard. I-I can't like you, dammit!
They fire in the general direction of Nagamasa, Masamune and Oichi, etc.
Is he supposed to be bulletproof?
Evidently not, because directly after that, Kojuro cries out his name and tries to protect him. (I nearly didn't cap this because I think his face looks strange, but what the hell.)
More gunshots, Nagamasa is hit, falls to the floor and is presumably dead. Oichi is (predictably) traumatised.
It doesn't show Kojuro or Masamune again, and they're not in the preview for the next episode, either. I suspect it's because the main point of the episode's conclusion was Nagamasa's death, so they just opted to show Kojuro being protective and Masamune being the typical stubborn bastard refusing to turn away from an enemy, but still. (I keep thinking to myself "Nothing will happen to Kojuro, he's in the OP!".)
Looking over this again, I've realised I missed taking caps of some other fabulous parts of the episode, such as YUKIMURA FIGHTING A ROBOT and one of Kenshin's soldiers flying through the air after being whacked by said robot. And Yukimura posing whilst calling out an attack. (Huh, the daft boy is actually growing on me, I think.)
So, until next week.