I love browsing my flist in the morning, whilst drinking my first cup of tea of the day (there will probably be at least two more cups consumed before I go to sleep). Having reached roughly the halfway point with regards to the tea drinking, I was suitably equipped to deal with
these Gundam 00 scans, which reveal Moreno's first name to be Joyce. I looked it up, though, and it's actually a traditionally masculine name. It's derived from an old Breton name meaning 'experienced in battle' (not exactly appropriate for Moreno, really). I'm mainly shocked at the difference in his hair!
Also, young Ian Vashti has a worse dress sense than Tieria. Is he trying to grow a beard, as well?
The scans (which look more like someone just took a photograph) of the DVD volume 4 are amusing, too. Tieria looks ruffled and rather flushed. I wonder who ended up getting him drunk? Actually, I'd love to read a fic involving Tieria and alcohol. Or about any of the characters whilst drunk. I did have an idea for something involving Allelujah and alcohol, set directly following the end of episode 11. I don't really have time to write at the moment, though.
An interesting spoiler also cropped up
in the comments to that post.
According to the 00F manga, Allelujah is captured by the UN forces. I am assuming/hoping (sorry, Alle!) that since the storyline of 00F runs concurrent to the anime and complies with the anime canon (in a kind of filling in the gaps way), this will also happen in the anime. I suppose it's possible that the stories could split completely and take different directions after the events that ended season one, but since the series has apparently already been planned out (probably pretty meticulously, given that it took two years and 300+ people) it seems to make more sense for 00F to continue to comply with the anime canon.
I want to know more about Fereshte. Mainly for the purposes of fanfiction that I may never write.
Has it ever been confirmed that Feldt's parents are Ruido Resonance and Marlene Vlady, or is that still just rampant fan speculation? It does seem incredibly likely. On a slightly silly note, Ruido's red hair plus Marlene's light blonde hair equals Feldt's pink hair (it must be true!).
I don't want Feldt to pilot a Gundam. And to be honest, I don't think she will.
Chall still looks a lot like Balalaika.
I'm sure I had something else that I wanted to mention, but I've completely forgotten.
Now, time to continue with my dissertation.