Knitting like a nerd.

May 02, 2010 21:22

With my batgirl sweater came the possibly terrible idea to attempt a range of knitting projects based around DC characters. For no other reason than that I'm a huge nerd. And who better to start with than the Black Canary? (and just in time for new Birds of Prey, too)

These are just kneee length socks (my first with a particular pattern) knitted in black with yellow patches sewn on: I made the mistake of pinning the patches on while not wearing the sock, so they're not as stretchy as they could be. Still, I adore the outcome.

There are gloves, too:

What I love about this project is that they're not obviously costume or nerdy- just black with yellow stripes. So I can engage my favourite day-to-day activity of stealth cosplay.  Today, for example, it was frigging cold so I wore the gloves to work, and no one was any the wiser...

In other knitting news, there is this:

Having seen the red dragon scarf I knitted for Izzy, (same link as the sweater), amurderofcrows asked for one for herself. So, with the promise of being reimburded for wool, of I went, having luckily found a fantastic creen varigated wool in the same line as the black.

I think I dig this 'knitting for other people' milarkey, not least because I don't have to wonder how I'm paying for the wool and shit (as long as people having things knitted for them not mind how really expensive yarn is. I mean, sheesh.) And it give me a list of things to do. I mean, right now, I'm all "Well, I could try and make a chimera hat out of all my random yarn I have lying around, but do I want to?" and I'm all twitchy without a project. Hmmm.

In conclusion: DRAGON.

dc, knitting, picspam

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