This is a schadenfreudan sheep.

Mar 25, 2009 16:49

Yesterday was my last day as a volunteer at the Grant Museum, and for most of the day I was too busy really enjoying the work I do (did) there to actually be sad. Because I did love every last thing about working there: the specimens, the building, and the people. I really loved the people. At the end of the day, we decamped to the pub, nominally because it was also the Learning and Access Manager's leaving drinks, but I was surprised there with a slightly scary leaving card, along with copies of the Grant Museum's books and Dino-opoly. I knew they knew me too well when I saw the big bag from Playin' Games.

This is a period of transition, as I give up my two volunteering jobs for one paid job, and in a way I'm really sad to give them up, even though I'm on to new, just as good but above all paid things. I'm still going to be 'on the books' as an NHM Learning Volunteer and put in an hour a week with schools, just to keep the contact active and because I love talking about that museum. But over the past year I've realised that national museums are all well and good, but small, independantly funded museums are personal and fun and fascinating in a way larger institutions don't really manage. And now I'm quitting one to work in a big national institution. I'm going to miss it.

Not that I'm not going to love the Science Museum. I've heard all sorts of good things, and it will be doing my absolute favourite thing in the world; talking about science. And getting paid for it! So I'm not in the slightest bit sad; I'm apprehensive and excited all at once. This, finally, is my career and I'm making my first steps and I'm confident in myself. It's new, and definitely not unwelcome.

Here's to all the tomorrows.

museums, dinosaurs!, career

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