I am crazy mega zen right now. Not so zen that I can't use phrases like "haha I'm totally more zen than you, bitches" which is a bit like being the best at non-competitiveness: a title I strive to hold - but pretty goshdarned accepting of myself, who I am, and who other people are. And while not quite in the moment, I've reached a level of observation I'm quite comfortable with. It's nice, and I think I'm behaving like less of a precious brat than I used to.
Not that I've been the bastion of good behaviour, and haven't had to explore my bad reaction when someone I thought I was done with returned to what I thought was a safe zone.
Anyway, the interview went well- though it's bloody awkward when you're being formally interviewed by people you know. Not because I was socially embarrassed in the interview, but now those guys know how awkward and formal I am when nervous, and can mock me at their leisure. Humph.
There's a meme. I like it, so I'm doing it.
Choose a singer/band/group - answer using ONLY titles of songs by that singer/band/group.
1) Are you male or female? Only Women Bleed
2) Describe yourself. Life and Death of the Party
3) What do people feel when they're around you? I'm the Coolest
4) How would you describe your previous relationship? Man of the Year
5) Describe your current relationship. No Man's Land
6) Where would you want to be now? Lost in America
7) How do you feel about love? I Like Girls
8) What's your life like? Long Way to Go
9) What would you ask for if you only had one wish? I just wanna be God Leather Boots
10) Say something wise. It's the Little Things