♠ There's nothing like watching all three Jurassic Park movies in one sitting, for demonstrating just how fantastic the first one is and exactly how awful the second and third are. The descent from science fiction to monster moive is one of the main reason why the transition movie (2) sucks worse than 1 and 3, but there's also a very obvious slip in terms of gender and race issues, as Lorna Derne and Samuel L Jackson go through Julianne Moore and Vanessa Lee Chester to become Tia Leone and - some black guy who gets eaten really early? I forget. Tia Leone, it was decided, was a rubbish character, but she'd be really hot in drag. Or as a principal boy.
♠ Closet fannish people are funny. You know the kind: the ones who recognise Ethan Rayne in Jurassic Park 2 before I do, who want to talk about (and mock, 'cause they're closet) slashfic, but can't bring themselves to admit what it is. I like to secretly mock them in my head while watching them flail.
♠ Yesterday was Thursday. That means COMICS.
Spike: After the Fall Eeeeeh *hand wiggles* makes about as much sense as any of the A:ATF titles? Which - not a lot. Spike's voice is inconsistent and Illyria's associated mythology is equally and badly so. I'm hoping it'll all make sense a few issues in, like Angel's beginning to, but my hopes aren't that high.
Batgirl I bought this because I loved the last Batgirl title, and I loved Cassandra Cain. But I have read nothing with her in from between OYL and now, and I have no idea really what happened, though Tim's little Giles trick worked and I sort of get it?
What I don't get is why Dick's acting so appallingly OOC. Can we claim Skrull in DC? No?
Birds of Prey Oh no! New artist! Just when they brought Dinah back (temporarily). Nicola Scott's art was so incredibly pretty, and O'Hare's - eeesch. Dinah's very painful looking wedgie is back and it's distracting. Also - while it's always fulfilling to see my Canary kicking ass, I would really appreciate if someone in the DCU actually gave her plot. Go on. Something beyond being hot in fishnets and crying when people die? Please?
Though, A+++ for mentioning Sin. And for giving a reason for Babs and Dinah hardly talking to each other since the wedding which so far hadn't been explained. And here's hoping, maybe Sin will come back? We can but hope.