Comics to get rid of

Jul 06, 2008 12:37

Iiiiit's time for me to clear some space in that small part of my tiny flat that is dedicated to storing comics. I usually let these go for about £1 a comic, but this time I'm eating myself up with guilt because I never have the time or money to help out with things like livelongnmarry, so this time I'm just going to ask for donations to Oxfam or Doctors without Borders *for every comic you save me having to pay eBay for.

Fables 53 - 72: (Sons of Empire minus one issue; The Good Prince)
Jack of Fables 1-21 (The (Nearly) Great Escape; Jack of Hearts; The Bad Prince; Americana)
Birds of Prey 112-117 (The Warrior Wake of Zinda Blake; Killer Shark & Platinum Flats; The Dark Side Club)
Robin 170-174 & the Robin/Spoiler special
Green Arrow/Black Canary 3-7
Serenity: Better Days 1-3
Runaways 22-30 (Live Fast; Dead End Kids)
1602: New World 1-3
Polly & the Pirates 1

I wonder if any of the comics shops in London would take them off my hand. Is it done to donate to charity shops?

*You guys know I feel very strongly for marriage equality and really want to get married, and passionately oppose any attempt to legislate love, right? Right. I just think these charities' work is more important.

money, dc, comics (misc)

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