When reporting gets offensive.

Feb 25, 2008 16:04

ETA: How could I forget to link the actual video?

If Mitch Benn wants you to stop making his job so easy, you know something's wrong. But even if it gives him fodder for a thousand more songs, I do not want to live in a country where 'serious' TV journalists can get away with asking the lover of a serial murder:Do you think if you'd had a better sex life, he wouldn't have done this?
That is a DIRECT QUOTE from Kay Burley, interviewing the Pamela Wright, whose former partner Steve Wright who this weekend was convicted of murdering five women in the space of six weeks in 2006. She actually dared to imply that these brutal murders were her fault.

snapesbabe said it best: I've lost count of the times I have objected to this infantilisation of men - that they can't be held responsible for their own actions; it'sall the fault of their mother/lover/grandma/female schoolteacher/murder victim/whatever - on feminist grounds, but surely it's wrong from a male point of view as well? Don't men want to be grown ups? Do they actually want to be mothered and smothered into irrelevancy?
It's the sort of thing that leaves me utterly speechless except for ejaculations of: How dare she? HOW FUCKING DARE SHE?. Except this time I decided to be pro-active (yay me) and actually email Sky News complaints. I had even got the Press Complaints Commission lined up, but after posting this, post, an email from one Iain Weaver (who for some reason finds this livejournal worth following despite not being an LJer himself) pointed out that the PCC deal with printed, not broadcasted media, and Ofcom are not likely to get Murdoch to do anything. Well, fuck.

There is now a petition available. Spread the word?

feminism, misinformation

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