At least I'm doing something right.

Jan 22, 2008 17:52

As it turned out, I didn't get the job at the Science Museum. I really really wanted this job as a career thing, but I'm not as crushed as I maybe could be. Probably because it's difficult to be crushed when you're at Chez Tortue with Bing and Joe and Gen. The important thing about any of these vacations is as long as there's friends and girlfriends, it's going to be OK. (It is.)

I emailed the Museum's HR back, and they're going to get back to me with feedback from my interview. And I don't need the money so much, because I have CCK until summer at least, and I have my PhD to finish, so I'm not yet floundering. I have something to do. As much as I'm tired of doing it. I have something right now.

Even without the feedback, I came out of the interview with some ideas. I want to teach science to non-scientist. I want to work in science communication. I didn't get the job because I have no actual experience in science communication or with kids. So, post PhD - this is what I need to do (assuming I don't suddenly get a job handed to me, which I might) - I need to get The Srs Blog up online so I'm used to talking science for the non scientist. I need experience with kids - any kids. I suppose I could wiat for Die Schwester to get knocked up, or I could steal shrublette and/or Scribble (except each of snapesbabe and fightingthecage could easily take me in a fight). I reckon I'm just going to have to get some volunteer experience with kids. Somehow.

But yeah - I'm back (temporarily) to being my skeptical optimistic self - I can make something positive of this, and I haven't lost anything, and I HAVE A BING. And so it's all good.


The weird thing about Roleplaying myself is the worry that people who haven't met me might think I was portraying some weirdarse caricature of someone I'd like to be/thought would be funny to play, when in fact it was A COMPLETELY IC CANON INTERPRETATION. Ask anyone who's met me.

bing, cck, america, career, misc rp

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