Elphie, they're just... shoes. *gasp*

Sep 07, 2007 23:04

Someone whose name I don't recognise who has written books I've never heard of, is dead. And my friendslist is sad about it.

*sets out tea for you all*

But in my head, things are as good as can be when there is period related blahness keeping one away from work again. Which is mostly to do with the InnerMum being a great mum.

For lo, I am now one of those people (often of the female persuasion) with a choice of shoes in the morning! And not just 'flats or HEELS'*

I hate shoes. I really do.And as you may know, I really hate shoe shopping. I just can't do it. I hate the majority of shoes out there. They're too 'trendy' or too 'sporty' or too 'school prizegiving' or even worse, not black. But nevertheless, the shoes that were leaving me with damp feet on my birthday? Now have a hole in the upper where my big toenail sits.

Add to that the fact that not only did I need shoes but also jeans, as both my  staple pairs of jeans have holes in the fat part of the inner thigh.And shopping for jeans is as bad as shopping for shoes. The vast vast majority of jeans out there are unsuitable for IBs because they are a) made from shitty material, b) possessing of a soufflé "waist"line**, c) lacking in decent pocket space or even worse, d) Not Black.

So I was already in much appreciation of the IM after finding two pairs of jeans that passed all but the two most minor of the above tests (I can use a handbag, and replace them when they fail the Vimes test), AND a pair of smart yet trainery and comfortable everyday shoes in a trainer-meets-hiking boots styley. THEN we were in a cheaparse shoe shop and the IM said "OK, I'm buying you a pair of these, too", referring to the generic inoffensive easily overlooked shoes she'd just bought. So now I have two pairs of shoes that can be worn during the daytime.

Does this mean I am a Real Girl now?

But I don't love her as much as I would if she'd bought me these. Now, I ask you, wouldn't they make the perfect companion to these?


*Those of you who have ever met me will know why HEELS has to be all-caps. For everyone else - lower case implies heel height or 4"or less
** You know when you cook a soufflé, and it rises above the dish and puffs out above it, overhanging the rim? Yeah, like that, but over the top of a pair of jeans

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