Happy Birthday Ikonthehologram
Whose actual name fails me right now.
But I change subject now! Look, I'm writing about more than one subject in an LJ post, I do that sometimes! Look at the actual (well kind of) content of the post.
mrsneeze, I'm looking at you. Just because it's someone's birthday today doesn't mean you can't claim I didn't post!
Or rather, I think all Nodnollians are heading to a beer festival tonight, ce n'est pas? I won't be playing 'cause my tummy doesn't let me drink beer. And also at some point there is likely to be a Greek returning to the flat and I should clean for him.
ms_ntropy was taken into hospital last night to pass a kidney stone. So if she's back by this afternoon, I'm going to be at home abusing Skype or AIM at the least. So there.