I clearly am a dirty lesbian. Because last night, at the recording of
Old Harry's Game, while everyone was ooohing over the funny men, I was all excited at being this |-| close to
Annette Crosbie, for whom, if hadn't already coined it for
Zoë Wanamaker, I would invent the term GILF.
Dirty, I know. But she's Granny Weatherwax, for fuck's sake.
Although I was amused when she said she should be in bed, and someone on our row called out: "with whom?". You could tell it was a radio four listener, because anyone else would say 'who with?'
matgb asked if he should, in fact be watching Heroes. I managed quite effectively not to all-caps keyboard smash at him, but only because I didn't have a keyboard handy, and because I hadn't seen this weeks. Which defied all description, didn't it? Oh my Bob. Why aren't half of you watching it?