Unsolicited Love meme #1: silveraspen

Sep 16, 2006 22:34

I think that it was darthrami who first introduced me to the concept of the grown up crush. A crush that anyone of any age can have on a person that basically means ‘I want to be like X when I grow up’.

I have the biggest ever friends crush on you, silveraspen.

It’s just that you’re everything I could ever aspire to be, and everything I wish I could be. You’re calm and serene, both online and in person, and yet do not in any way let that get in the way of your enjoyment of life. You have fun, and yet have fun in a… I don’t want to say ‘responsible’ way, because that doesn’t sound fun at all, but in a way that manages to in no way interfere with anyone else’s fun. It’s the serenity that does that.

But that’s not all, oh no. That’s just the part I’m most jealous of, because I know I’ll never be able to be that well balanced. I also want to be able to write and RP like you. I want to be as sweet and caring and approachable as you. I want people to be able to turn to me for support and advice as we all can turn to you.

Aspen, Aspen, Aspen. I don’t talk to you enough, but every time I do, I feel better for it.


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