Food Diary, because obsessing about it so is healthy, dammit.

Aug 08, 2006 16:42

Sunday 6th August
Fried egg
Banana Milkshake of one banana and about half a pint of milk (mostly drunk)
Half a roast dinner at the Jelly Woman*. Unfinished. Also a chocolate. Juice.
Half a noodle dish at Yumi inna evening. And Spring rolls.
Maltesers ice cream lolly

Monday 7th August
Half a bowl of Frosties.
(Most of a) Cheese and Onion pasty with wedge chips.
The other half of the noodles.
Half a bowl of popcorn with sugar and some butter - split with drakhen

Tuesday 8th August
Half a bowl of Frosties
Two Slim Fast shakes.
Two Bourbon biscuits.

*No, the pub's not called that. It's called the Jolly Woodman. Funny story - it's on one of the roads between my house and the M40 and we pas sit every time we go... anywhere really. Anyway, I'm two or three - new to reading, and we pass it at 50mph, and I say to my parents "we just passed a pub called the Jelly Woman." And it stuck. For the entire rutting family.
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