Operation Mooncup - the removal

Jan 27, 2006 10:02

Have added some girls to this filter I hadn't realised I'd left out. Hi! Welcome to the opt-out, VVTMI filter! no longer filtered, August 2007 Today, I describe taking out a mooncup in complete graphic detail.

Hahaha, taking it out is fun...

OK, it's not painful or worrying or anything, it just took a long time. Because there's no convenient string or anything, just a small stalk that has been cut to size so it fits completely in and the vaginal opneing can close completely. So I need to reach in with two fingers and grab hold of that, trying not to scratch myself with my cornea-scratching talons of doom, (yeah yeah, I'm a bad lesbian) and using the other hand to hold everything open. Then it's a case of getting a grip on the stalk (and let's face it, it's a pretty slimy environment) and pulling. Having done my exercises helps here, because I'm better off pushing than I am just relying on the pull. This part is just awkward, and the part that takes the most time, for me: actually getting a hold enough to get it to move, and to get to the base of the cup to squeeze and release the seal.

The mooncup has a series of holes just under the rim, which we are instructed to keep clear at all times and at all costs. Take a moment to work out why and try not to cringe. Now, bear in mind that these holes do not do everything. There's still suction. and that's the most uncomfortable part, because no one wants to even slightly feel like their vagina is being sucked out. But is not painful, as such, just pinchy, as I gently ease it out by wrigling it slightly from side to side.

And that's it. Then I have a cup about a quarter full of dark, but thinner than I expected*, blood, which I pour down the toilet with no trouble. Then is a matter of cleaning. I held it against the side of the toilet while flushing to get all the blood out before rinsing more thoroughly under the hot tap. Then I wiped it out with Lilets feminine wipes which, sorry Karen, come in a tasteful lilac pack, and resinserted. And once again, insertion is the easiest part of the whole process, because it's really quite small when folded.

And I'm done for the day.

*I dunno. Going on tampons and towels, I almost expected it to be thick and clotty. Don't ask.

Now, if only it made me actually feel better in the rest of my body. I think I'm gonna go watch Avatar and feel sorry for myself now.


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