Jul 23, 2005 15:58
Ok.. so u know what ive noticed here with u all? when i write some long meaningful LJ post or sumthing.. i get like no comments at all..but when i write like one sentence.. or like a stupid pointless thing sayin i lost my earing and film.. i get comments.. what the heck? lol do u guys even read it when i write long things? cause i wont even bother taking the time if u all dont read it anyway.. but normally they are meaning ful and have a point.. but whatever.. just let me know... im not mad or anything.. just wanna know if u actually read it.
well anyway... so my mom i think is stuck in like the olden days.. so I called Keith last night cause hes leaving for a week.. and ya i admit it was 12:40 at night.. lol.. but still... so anyway... my mom wakes up.. and gives me this look.. and shes like what time are u sopposed to be off the phone? "10?" and what time is it now? "umm... after 10?" ... and shes like whos that? "Keith" ... where? "Arizona... and that's y im calling him so late cause its earlyer for him..." who is he? "my friend..." get off the phone right now.
so anyway.. so when i hung up.. i told her like hes leaving for a week so he gave me his number so i could still talk to him while hes gone.. and he told me to call to make sure it worked.. lol k so stupid excuse.. but i tried.. lol. but that was really y i was calling.. lol. so anyway.. shes all like "I dont like that you call guys" and im like whats wrong with a girl calling a guy? shes all like in this weird voice..like its obvious or whatever.. "cause thats just not what we do! Guys are sopposed to call girls.. not the other way around.. " since when can a girl whos friends with a guy not call him just cause hes a guy?!?! seriously now...
and then like this morning when i woke up shes lecturing me more about it.. shes all like "its not proper edicit for the girl to prusue the guy" blah blah blah.. its like its not like im proposing to him.. its called calling a friend. besides,. if he would have to call my moms cell phone to talk to me anyway... other wise it would probally cost alot... its not like her cell phone is ever on.. and its not like i called him randomly anyway.. he gave me his number to call.. i dont see what her problem is. shes like stuck in the old days.
keith dont feel bad.. u didnt get me in trouble.. i guess it was more the whole calling at 12:40 thing.. lol but ya.. and ill still call ya if u want! ;):) lol
well so anyway.. lauren is having a party 2night.. and ill finally get to see everyone again! so that will b totally awesome! :) I miss everyone so much! Im excited!:):) lol but ya.. so thats from 7-11.. so this will more than likely be my last update for 2day...
quote of the day: “Don’t take for granted what you have, because you never know when it will be gone.”