The Poor Man Institute.
4. A crackpot economic theory which is overtly supported for one reason, but secretly supported for another.
Crackpot economic theory, given reason: A sound monetary policy is vital to a healthy and strong nation. It is too important to be entrusted to the whims of political appointees and unworldy academic theories. At the same time, it must reflect our national spirit of independence, our playful and optimistic nature, and, most of all, our belief in a "culture of life". The gold standard is a relic of Old Europe. America must adopt the kitten standard, making kittens the standard unit of account.
The advantages of using kittens as currency are endless. Kittens can be used to create more kittens, which will encourage saving. A first world economy based entirely on unneutered kittens can expect to achieve an average growth rate of 900% per year, which far surpasses anything possible under the current system. If you try to steal a kitten, it will scratch you. Kittens can not be controlled by the unelected central bankers in Washington, D.C. And so on.
All totalitarians are allergic to cats. Cats, and freedom.
Crackpot economic theory, secret reason: Privately, we acknowledge the criticisms of conventional economists, and admit that a return to the kitten standard would isolate us from the world economy, be completely unworkable in practice, make banks smell like cat pee, and probably have the country reduced to small packs of cave-dwelling cannibals by next Thursday. But - and this is the real genius of the proposal - there would be like all these kittens!
I agree wholeheartedly! Speaking of cute kittens, have I mentioned how great is? And run by another Meg! Go Megs! Everyone needs a Meg!
Okay I'm done now.
Oh, PS, I'll write when I find out what the law schools say. Any day now!