Nov 20, 2008 13:50
Why are my heart and my head NEVER in harmony?
Why must everything be complicated and emo-filled? So many things in life are either one way or another. And yet people always find another crap-filled route/answer? No! You have two choices! PICK ONE AND LIVE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES!
How can there be 6 gazillion people on earth and yet we are more isolated than ever?
Why won't anyone take responsibility? Just say, yes I did it/I caused this/I am guilty/I effed up!!! Was that so hard? I always have more respect for people when they admit their assholiness. (And that goes for me too!)
I have many more questions, but I'll save them for another time.
p.s. can you remind the people I work with to ease up on the drama... we're becoming days of our lives, government edition