♥ Basics ♥
Name: Katrina
Nicknames: None, unfortunately. Part of me has always wanted one.
Age: 15. I realize I'm comparably younger than most members, but I hope age won't be a deciding factor.
Location: New England
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Single, but the future looks bright.
Zodiac: Aries
Religion: Unitarian Universalist
♥ Favorites ♥
Please try to limit favorites to around 5!
Bands/Artists: Ani Difranco, Victor Wooten, Coldplay, Sigur Ros, The Beatles
Songs: Me and My Bass Guitar (Victor Wooten) and Sparks (Coldplay)
Movies: Amelie, Goodbye Lenin, The Lion King, One Last Dance, March of the Penguins
TV Shows: I don't watch a lot of television, but my favorite show on right now is So You Think You Can Dance
Books: Life of Pi, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, A Girl From Yamhill, Harry Potter series
Food: feta cheese, strawberries, and good ol' mashed potatoes
Drink: sparkling cider, because it makes me think of fall and warmth.
Place: I love being in or near the water, so on the ocean or in a canoe floating down a river somewhere.
Words: To me good words are the ones that feel satisfying when you say them: curmudgeon, squashed, behemoth
Quote: "Focus your thoughts only on what you want to create." I cannot for the life of me remember who said this - I think it came from a book somewhere. This sums up how I want to live my life; with focus, motivation, and positive action.
Guilty Pleasure: Walking around my city and sneaking glances into people's windows when they're lit up at night. I like imagining what sort of people live inside and how they live.
Childhood Memory: Having picnics with my three closest friends in a park while singing Beatles songs. My childhood isn't over yet though, and I try to maintain a sense of curiosity about the world.
♥ Opinions ♥
Please choose at least 5 that you actually have an opinion on. (I tend to spiral off on tangents, so bare with me.)
Suicide: There has been suicide in my community and in my family. I think suicide is a bigger issue than people understand and I wish there would be more done to prevent it. In school we spend hours reiterating the dangers of drugs and alcohol, but depression and suicide are never mentioned. I think it's important to recognize the signs of depression and teach students to see them in their friends and encourage them to get help. A lot of pain could have been prevented in my community and family had we just been more aware.
Gay rights:
Abortion: Pro-choice all the way. A woman's body is hers alone, and I would never want somebody dictating what I am allowed to do with mine. However, I don't think abortion should be used as a substitute for birth control or should be thought of as a "no big deal" kind of issue. Abortion is a big deal and if you're going to have one it should involve serious thought and planning.
Religion: I am definitely a ponderer, and I could talk about the inner workings of religion for hours. To make a long story short, I believe religion was created to explain the unexplainable, and that some relgions are unwilling to let new ideas develop as times change. I get very tired of hearing that gay marriage is unholy because the bible deemed it so thousands of years ago. Also, I feel that some people use religion largely as a comfort that life holds some sort of purpose, such as getting into heaven or pleasing God. I don't see anything wrong with this; if people need that sort of comfort to lead a happy life, then I say let them have it. The only thing that upsets me is when people abuse the idea of religion to stop focusing on their lives here and now. As an example of this, I don't like the idea of heaven and hell, because I feel it influences people to do good things in life for the sole purpose of being happy later, rather than doing it because it is helpful or a moral duty.
Plastic surgery:
Sex education:
Separation of church and state:
Death penalty: Everytime I try and talk about the death penalty I think I'll have a simple answer, yet I never do. My gut feeling says that killing anyone for any reason is wrong, but at the same time if someone in my family was murdered I could see myself wanting justice through killing. However, I think I would much prefer death over life in prison, and killing someone won't end the pain you're in anyway. So if you want a solid answer, no, I do not agree with the death penalty, but I don't look down upon those who feel that it is just.
Stem cell research:
Affirmative action: A good idea in theory, but very tricky to execute. For example, my dad's old company had to have a certain quota of black women. I dont think anyone really thought anything of it until the office my dad was in got a new secretary. Apparently she was somewhat mean spirited and didn't do that great of a job, but a huge effort was made to keep her on even when many complaints came in. The difficult thing with this issue was that several people in the company discriminated against her because she was black and a woman, but most were just unhappy with her work because they had to do a lot to compensate for her. It's hard to say where the line should be drawn, because the company could have been in trouble for discrimination or they could lose workers who weren't pleased. Affirmative action was designed to remedy discrimination, but clearly it will still exist in a work situation whether or not a quota is filled.
FCC Regulations:
♥ True You ♥
What is one topic you wish people would stop talking about and why: (Can be from above but doesn't need to be) I'm not sure if this counts as a topic, but I am VERY tired of hearing the phrase, "George Bush is a fascist!" No, I don't like him either, but unless you have something new and/or true to tell me, I really don't want to hear it.
Any weird quirks or strange habits? What makes you you? I pour myself glasses of pure vinegar and down them in one gulp. I like to paint my right big toenail one flashy color and leave the rest blank. When telling a story I use my hands and make a lot of noises to represent what I'm trying to say. :-)
Name one good and one bad thing about yourself. Good thing: I can read people's emotions extremely well and am good at providing comfort.
Bad thing: I can be so hard on myself that I create anxiety in my life that doesn't really exist.
Describe a defining moment in your life. When my brother left for college last year. In many ways I trust him more than my parents, and I see him as the biggest role model and influence in my life. It tore me apart when he left even though we're still very close. I had to learn to develop more of a backbone and stand up for myself without his constant support.
What are some of your dreams and aspirations? Phew, there's a lot of those. I have a huge passion for dance, and more than anything I would like to be a choreography. It's a dream I worry about pursuing, because the dance world is so cruel and I don't know if I'd have the stamina to make it. Also, I'd love to be able to speak at least five languages. Language and writing are so important to me, and I feel if the world loses those than we are likely to lose a great deal of culture and history as well.
What are some of your pet peeves? People who make a huge deal when someone farts, the sound of nailpolish being scratched off, people who try too hard to please everybody.
If you could, what time period would you choose to travel to? Why? Definitely renaissance Italy. This time period had so much fluctuating culture that would have been amazing to experience.
Tell us a joke you find funny. A child, an honest politician, and Santa Claus all spot a $20 bill on the ground. Who picks it up? The child. The other two don't exist. (I know, it's cruel, but I love it.)
Post a picture. (It can be of you, of just of something that you like). Explain why you picked the one you did.
This is a picture of my best friend and I. It's not exactly the most beautiful, but I feel like it's an honest representation of our dynamic. If you knew us you would look at this picture and say, "Yep that's Katrina and Ada all right."
Any final comments? Suggestions for improving the application? This is one of the better applications I have seen, and the community seems very active. I liked that the questions seemed to be a good basis to honestly form an opinion about someones inner beauty.
♥ Brownie Points ♥
This is totally not necessary, please promote our community in another community or journal that allows that sort of thing, and show us the link. My own journal: www.livejournal.com/~viva_praesul
Optional! Post 1-5 pictures of yourself!