Glee Rewatch 2014: Old Dog, New Tricks

Dec 19, 2014 22:36

Things that happened:
  • Kurt is feeling a little downtrodden and left behind after all the exciting things that are happening to his friends. He meets Maggie, who is from an old people's home that's doing a production of Peter Pan. When their Peter drops dead, he steps in instead. He wants support from his friends, but unfortunately they're reluctant to give it to him, even though he's constantly there for them.
  • Maggie has a daughter named Clara who hasn't been to see her for years, even though she misses her desperately. So Kurt goes and talks to Clara, and manages to convince her to come see the show, so the two can reunite.
  • Rachel is trying to salvage her reputation after her lies get into the public. She decides that she's going to host a dog rescue event and Santana acts as her publicist. When she's accused of being a fraud who only thinks about herself, however, she's forced to confront herself and her motives and ends up going to see Kurt's show, because she knows that it's important to him.
  • Sam falls in love with one of the dogs from the shelter, but Mercedes isn't having any of it. Sam manages to train the dog very successfully, but the fact of the matter is that there just isn't any room for a dog in their lives right now. They end up giving the dog away at the rescue event.
Sporadic thoughts while watching:
1. I like how Chris was joking about how he was going to do an episode about animals and old people and then the episode actually does end up being about animals and old people.
2. "...and his precious collection of neckerchiefs."
3. Santana! Your hair is blonde!
4. Even though Kurt doesn't really say much, you can tell that the scene is from his perspective. (Maybe because he doesn't say much?)
5. "And I've always been my cause!" "Inside voice, honey." "Sorry."
6. "Tell him if he decides not to I'm going to accuse him of elder abuse."
7. I like being able to see Kurt from Chris' perspective. The fact that he dislikes being vulnerable is well documented, and now we know that his stress reliever is bad reality TV.
8. I do love the irony of an old people's home doing Peter Pan, a musical about a boy who never grows up.
9. "When did I become the mother in a Nancy Myer's movie?" Did I not just say last episode that Kurt had become the dad of the cast?
10. I recognise one of the nurses! Maybe he just has one of those faces? No, wait! I'm almost certain that he was the manager from Trio that asked Rachel to sing Gloria. Hmm.
11. Kurt's smiley face is so precious. <3
12. Sam just casually has his guitar with him at the dog shelter...
13. 'Written by Chris Colfer'. *shrieks*
14. Dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs.
15. One Three Hill is on hiatus because Elliott's on a yoga retreat and Dani's roller derby team are state champions. Huh.
16. "...someone would throw me a bone for once." Ha. No, but I'm with you baby. You really do do a lot of picking up after them; s'about time they were there for you.
17. "Peter's dead, folks." Jesus fucking Christ.
18. "She was always so selfish!" Jesus fucking Christ. God do I love his sense of humour.
19. I like that Chris took the opportunity to tell the audience that he's a countertenor, since most of them probably wouldn't be able to identify what vocal type he is. (Soprano is an exclusively female term, just like tenor is male, so he's not that. For the record.)
20. Memory is so lovely, but I do wish it was a solo.
21. Kurt is so pretty.
22. "It's like watching Goofy teach tricks to Pluto."
23. "So's Artie and I take care of him!" "Hold up, did you just - ?"
24. Oh my god, fucking hell. This is indeed what taking care of a dog is like. When they're untrained anyway. I have no idea how people go an entire lifespan of a dog without training them - imagine all the ruined socks and shoes!
25. Artie's just there like 'For the love of god, someone get me away from the lover's quarrel.'
26. Rachel walking the dog reminds me so much of those Daniel Radcliffe photos from a couple of months back where he just randomly had twenty dogs on leashes and no one knew what the fuck was going on.
27. Chris is so lucky Lea loves him.
28. Santana is actually, like... a really good publicist? I could see a career in it for her.
29. "They needed a replacement because the woman playing him dropped - out, she dropped out."
30. Homocchio and the Geriatric Puppets.
31. Well Chris is certainly getting his opinions out there.
32. So... they train the dog in one day...? Because, um. I see some faults in that logic.
33. It's been a while since Sam's been anything but a joke. It's nice to see him reclaim some of his own integrity. "I took care of my whole family when they had nothing."
34. McConaughey deserves an Oscar for that acting.
35. I mean, everything Mercedes is saying makes sense. It's not that Sam wouldn't be able to take care of the dog normally, but schedules and also likely money issues really make keeping a dog not something possible. There's a reason why just about nobody Sam's age has high maintenance pets.
36. "Liz, call security. They should only need one guy."
37. I imagine that Rachel would act much like Maggie should she ever have children. Which is part of the reason why I don't particularly see her as a mom in the future.
38. "My mom died when I was eight and I spent my entire life pretending that I had one." :(
39. Is Artie eating... dog food...?
40. "Don't listen to her; look at her shoes."
41. That messy hair on Kurt is far more attractive than it should be.
42. "Drop all the names you want, my ladies are much cooler than yours." I love the quiet feel of this scene. I feel like this is so much of their relationship that we never get to see (because of course conflict drives narrative) - very sweet and easy going and playful. I love them. <3
43. Babyyyy, of course she came for you.
44. Traditional songs? Pshhh. Mother. Fucking. Madonna. (And of course Chris jumped at the chance to get into that harness.)
45. "This is going to be us when we're older!"
46. Oh my god, Sam. "I'M SAM, AND THERE'S A BUS OUTSIDE."
47. Blaine has by far the cutest doggie.
48. I feel like this is the first group number we've had in aaaaages. One of the (few) downsides of leaving the Glee club behind, I suppose.
49. The Kurcheltana hug at the end makes me so haaaappy.
50. I'mma go see my own puppy now and see if she's miraculously been trained not to bite and scratch as play in a single day, just like Sam's dog. (Update: she was apparently pretty wild earlier and knocked mum's glass of wine onto the not-even-day-old rug, so now she's in the literal doghouse. So that's a no then.)

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5x19, glee rewatch 2014, glee

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