.:33:. [Voice Post]

Jan 30, 2008 04:05

Private to self // Hackable only by Sellz

[Throughout this, his voice is in angry near-hysterics, unnerving laughter here and there, etc. He's just lost it, and he very much sounds like he did. Insanity is a go.]

The little fucker. That little fucker.

Fucking psychic powers, and oh, let's just accidently delve into your mind, oh, suddenly I know every fucking little thing about you and how you operate.

And then go and taunt me about knowing the things even I don't know.

The little shit. I'll slit his fucking throat if I ever see him. Oh, wait, no! That's just proving his point, isn't it.

I'm a mindless killer. Aheheheh. That's who I am. The urges, they're always there. They're always there.They've always been there, since the very start.

But no, no. The fact that I haven't done shit since I got here is meaningless. I'm still a murderer, hmmm? Hahaha, I suppose dozens of people back in London makes for plenty of repentance!

Hahah...haha...so tell me then...who am I? Which me am I? Isn't this great! Oh, this is hilarious! I'm a fucking split personality and I have two mes!

Hehehe...I want...I need...that's who I am, isn't it....

Want to see who I really am, you bastard?! Want to see the Cosmas Krelborne you see in your fucking head?! Because I swear, it'll be the last goddamn thing you see over, and over, and over...oh god, I've missed it...

Hahahaha! You're right! Oh, you're right!

You're right.

And I'll kill you for making me realize that.

killing urges back, get out of my mind liquid, bloodlust is a go, straw that broke the camel's back

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