May 22, 2006 08:30
Ok, I'm never eating Mexican food again...for awhile. A month ago I ate at Baja and got really sick, and last night Nick and Bill and I went to El Chavos and this morning my stomach hurts so bad I can feel it in my back...if that makes any sense.
So I'm missing school and it's making me nervous. I have 2 discussion sections, 110 and 115, with a quiz in 115 that I'll have to drop despite a lower grade I would have liked to drop. And I'll miss 1 attendance point. Hebrew is whatever (I've missed 1/30-something classes). Cognitive Psych of Music is also a whatever. Kendall has all his notes online and I'm allowed one unexcused absense, but I won't get back my test, though I already know the grade...
I think it's the time-waste I'm feeling. But I suppose I can study for my 110 midterm or start writing my 110 paper or my Cogpsych paper. Or maybe I could sleep.