heavy judger of men

Dec 07, 2013 14:02

While lands of fear are drowned
Moloch is coming around.

Atlantic storm covered the shore
To atone the sins
Port, fish market, liquor stores
Flooded with the wild streams.

Ships lying helpless on their sides
Niether moored, nor wrecked
But dying in front of my eyes.

Blizzard is roaring outside -
Like muffled sounds of the hurricane
When you overcome your fears
The ghost appears and whispers your name.

Newscaster warns the crowd
"Finish your work and run out
Rain that falls hard from the sky
Water that`s flooding the streets,
Prostitutes running wrapped in cellophane
Umbrellas hanging on the falling trees
And shattered dock cranes
And, finally, the TV going mute
are the certain signs of the Sintflut.

I saw the frame with the winding stairs
Leading from the water to the crashed roof
If you still want to know if smth wrong with the World
I haven`t yet seen more significant proof.

метель, шторм, in vino veritas, sintflut, flood

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