hell0z ;D ok ok lemme juss say that tOday was a very qOod day and I reaLized madd shit ;] .. some depressed meeh but I was like fucc it I`m tired of bein sad yanno? time for preshuz to shOw off her smiiLe as much as she can .. niqqas juss reaLLy confuse meeh doe cause like yesterday I told .. basically warned him bout him not caLLin me .. and uhm have I even qotten one caLL today .. I really dunno df to think anymOre .siqh. .. well anywayz after my day .. me and my momz came back from sOmewhere like 9 somethin and my famz was across da street in my tia`s yard with fLashliqhts pointin at a tree in da backyard .. sO I qo there to find out wha happened .. basikz niqqas was shootin a bee bee qun at raccoons in a tree .. lmao it was madd funny tiL I qot bit 4 times by mosquitos ;T .. I was outside for like 2O mins tryin to heLp my cousinz by hOldin a fLashliqht lols .. I came inside and caLLed cheekz ;D .. updated her on thinqs and dat`s basikz it .. riqht now I`m in IMs with desii + ja`vOnte .. imma chiLL with desii this week cause I miss her and shit na mean .. I need to buQq out!! .. pLus we shOuld be qOin drivin this week sinCe jenny qot work off ;] access to da beema ;D .. okies weLL imma qo now nothin reaLLy eLse to say .. 0o0o hea`s a survery I took from lasexiicherry`s journaL ;D
1)name 6 things you love or cant live without:
`* computer / aoL
`* celly
`* music
`* fOod
`* sprite
`* sneakerz / timbz
2)name 6 things you hate:
`* racism
`* iqnOrance
`* workin
`* stinky feet
`* funeraLs
`* meSsy plaCesz
3)name 6 things you touch daily:
`* the phOne
`* my keybOard
`* sprite bOttLe
`* fOod
`* my hair
`* sOap
4)name 6 people on lj you'd do/date in a minute:
`* uhm nO one reaLLy cause aLL I know on hea is qirLs basikz lol
5)name 6 ljournals you love to read:
desii bear`*
sherry 6)name 6 songs you love:
`* murDer inC - dOwn fOr yOu
`* nelly f. kelly - dilemma
`* scarfaCe f. jay-z & beanie siQeL - queSs whO`z back
`* wycLef f. cLaudette - twO wrOnqsz
`* biq pun - puniSh me
`* amerie - why dOn`t we faLL in lOve