im jus qonna qive up..

Aug 06, 2002 09:54

last niqht i found out the worst news in the world.. qrover like.. cheated on me. remember how he was iqnorinq me the whole week? he was chillinq with his x girlfriend kristina which sopposedLy he hatez or some shyt like that.. but then wen i broke up with him he sed that he 'thouqht me and him were over' so he hooked up with kristina.. anD i went on his sn anD read an email that he wrote to her that day we started qoinq out aqain( before it thouqh) it said how 'he wouLd do anythinq to be with her + how he wantz to be with her soo bad' anD shyt like that..

i mean i asked him about it and he sed he just said it ' because he fiqured she wouLd listen to him + then qet back with him because he didnt have a gf' but i doubt that i mean im so incredibLy hurt riqht now..anD like.. i just cant believe it.. anD you wanna know how i found out? just listen..

weLL people have been tellinq me that qrovers been cheatinq on me wit kristina + i didnt believe it because he told me he wouldnt do that to me + blah blah so like i believed him.. and then he went to this qirl kellys house and since kristina lives riqht down the street, she showed up there. well since qrover told kristina's boyfriend that they hooked up, kristina wanted to fiqht qrover (lonq story) so i thouqht that they definetly didnt hook up(but i didnt know the reason why they were qonna fiqht then). so then a lili while later kristina kalled me with my x boyfriend jesse on the phone.. + i was like 'what the fk do you want' and shes like 'your boyfriends been cheatinq on you with me blah blah' and im like 'well you call him now and tell him to call me' and shes like 'wait lemme call him on 4way and you can pretend your not on the phone'

well..she did that + kristina was like 'yeah why do you have to make my life a livinq hell + tell my boyfriend we hooked up' and hes like 'because blah blah blah' i didnt even listen to what he said i was jus waitinq for him to talk to her about it because why would she deny it if it was only her on the phone? soo.. then i flippeD on him.. + now im more hurt then ever.. yet i still wanna be with him but screw that.. i mean.. i love him so much but i wont even be able to look at him the same way aqain.. + its such a biq deal because of so many reasons..

so he apologized n shyt and told me that he cared and shyt and that he was sorry or somethinq like that.. but like.. im still hurt + i hate him for doinq that but i still love him. soo like..he still wants to be friends or whatevr + he knowws he screwed up + shyt but i still kant believe it. he like wants to hanq out wed. wen i qo to old bridqe but i dunno.. now my whole vacation to myrtle beach in south carolina isnt qonna be as qood as i wanted it to(im leavinq this saturday) so ya know. i dont think ill be able to sleep knowinq im not a part of his life anymore. i feel like shyt. i feel like i wanna die.. and i kant stop cryinq..

i shouLd have let qo the last time.. but look what qoinq back to him did to me.. i dont think i ever wanna love aqain..

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