
Oct 03, 2003 10:39

Well wait...just so you guys know...I'm not dead. I was busy moving. So, now I'm all settled and moved into a new apartment. I hope I was missed! Alright onto the quizzes!

You Are a Romantic Kiss!

You are an idealist, and unsurprisingly, you give the ideal kiss

Your kiss causes almost anyone to fall in love with you

And to be honest, you need to be falling a little to let your lips loose

No biggie… your kiss is worth the wait :-)

What Type of Kiss Are You?

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What Guys Think of Your Long Curly Hair...

Fun, outgoing, spontaneous.

Guys know that you're up for almost anything - and are waiting for your surprises.

What Do Guys Think of Your Hair? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You'll Fall in Love With A Libra!

You value a drama free relationship, one which a natural pleaser Libra can provide.

Your Libra wants nothing more than to be in love with you - and make you happy.

While indecisive Libra may take a while to fall for you, once he / she does ... it's forever.

To catch a Libra, simply be over the top romantic.

Flowers, chocolates, wine, and bubble baths will give your Libra the luxury he / she craves.

And you'll get pampered back in time.

Libra may seem a bit cold and unresponsive at first.

After a while Libra's become less and less guarded...

And in the end, the most playful lover you'll ever know!

What Sign Should Your Lover Be?

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You Are Passion Fruit Flavored Lube!

Passionate, intense, and lusty.

You are the flavor most likely to fall in lust on the first night.

You are the flavor least likely to have lukewarm sex.

Sound yummy? Get Passion Fruit Flavored Lube Here :-)

What Flavor Lube Are *You*?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
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