Title: Into Temptation
inmythPairing: Original male/male slash
Genre: Drama, Angst
Summary: Kevin O’Shea and Connor Ferrera shared a mutual hatred, that is until their parents decided to marry each other. Now forced to live as step-brothers under the same roof, their hatred is starting to reach new heights but after a few secrets unwillingly
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i'll definately be bookmarking this though and checking in from time to time. ^^ i have a whole list of bookmarks of stories that update slowly and i just check them every few months to make sure they're active. i'm extremely patient with waiting for stories as long as it's still being worked on so it's really good to hear that you're determined to finish it.
let me know where it's best to bookmark if this isn't it though... one of the things that annoys me the most is writers that don't have easy accessibility to their stories. no one wants to search through tons of reg posts for a fic post -_- i've even come across some who will use the tags but then tag posts that aren't part of the fic, how that makes sense i don't know...
sorry for the bit of a rant there, ^^;; can't wait to see more of your story though! good luck!
And no, I get what you mean. In my bio at FP, I've said it clearly that my updates are few and far in between due to work, uni, real life, and now love. So if people still put me on their alerts list then I'm hoping they know in no uncertain terms that I can take my time updating.
To be honest, I don't read much online anymore. Again, time issues. Only thing I keep up with is Stupid Post-It Notes by my friend whose story I beta and that's pretty much about it. But I'm glad you find mine worth bookmarking anyways xD and I hope that this time the next chapter would be within 6 months if not less.
sorry, but i think u gave me the link while you were signed in and so when i clicked on it it asked me to login etc. ^^; so i went to fictionpress and just searched for your story title. ~_^
just a suggestion, but you should include the link to your fictionpress bio when you post your story elsewhere... it's great for people who want to bookmark you directly and follow everything you're doing. i now see you have a few other stories for reading which is where i'm headed now. ^^ thanks!
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