Dec 06, 2005 02:58
I even cried in front of him. He's still here. And here are all the reasons why I love him right now....
I love you because:
1. we can talk forever about nothing and yet it feels like everything.
2. I can be myself when I am with you.
3. every time I think about you I feel good inside.
4. I always feel that what is yet to come will keep getting better.
5. we laugh together and have fun being silly.
6. of how cute and adorable you can be.
7. you're forgiving and patient with me.
8. you have such a big heart and you let me into it.
9. of the way you make me feel about myself.
10. of your confidence.
11. you bring excitement and happiness into my life everyday, just for being you.
12. you are smart.
13. I can share anything with you and you don't get shocked.
14. you hold my hand in the car.
15. you were willing to take a chance on me.
16. you believe in honesty with me.
17. you are a good friend to others.
18. you say you'll always be there for me, and you mean it.
19. you bring out the best in me.
20. of the way you understand me.
21. you hold my hand and kiss me in front of people we know.
22. you always sound happy to hear from me.
23. you're genuine.
24. when you call me baby, it can mean 20 different things depending on the way you say it.
25. the fact that you even stop to be worried about me shows me how much you care for me, too.
26. I can cry in front of you and vice versa. And because you didn't make me feel bad for doing so.
27. no one else makes me feel the way you do.
28. our bodies just fit together.
29. I like the sound of your voice over the phone.
30. of your ability to speak without saying a single word.
31. I love waking up to find we've been cuddling together all night.
32. of your sensuality.
33. of the way, how even though we're far apart, it still feels like you're here with me.
34. I love the feeling of your body against mine when we're in bed. (edited)
35. when there's something I don't know, you explain it without making me feel dumb.
36. you said you cut your hair different just for me.
37. you accept me the way I am.
38. you shared your one box of red vines with me at the movies.
39. when I get upset over silly stuff you never just tell me to get over it.
40. I've never felt judged by you.
41. you have toothpaste in the garage, a neon sign in your trunk and the latest research on dish washing detergents.
42. you push for me to try to get better but still love me even when I'm not ready to be pushed.
43. you always work so hard.
44. you love animals, even though I've only seen you with dogs so far.
45. I cannot go an hour of the day or night without you on my mind.
46. you built a fire for me to light when you weren't going to be home.
47. you notice when something is different about me.
48. you're proud of me.
49. you ate what I cooked and even said you liked it.
50. even though you'll be working you still said you wanted me to come over.
51. you gave me your coat when I was cold.
52. you always know just the right things to say.
53. Leos do it better. :-)
54. you're the only one for me.
55. maybe we were meant to be.
56. you like to be in charge.
57. you have the cutest butt in your jeans!
58. when I leave you always wave at me one last time before I turn the corner.
59. of number eleven. ;-)
60. you said you'd like it if I stayed when your parents came over.
61. you said you want to try to figure out how to make things work.
62. you keep me warm at night.
63. you'll love me when I'm sixty-four.
64. I can kick your butt at Road Rash.
65. you hold me when I'm sad.
66. I want you to be my family, too.
67. I can't see spending the rest of my life without you.
68. you love only me.
69. you take care of me.
70. you make me feel comfortable sharing my fears with you.
71. you make me feel comfortable sharing fantasies with you.
72. you watch TV shows with me that I enjoy (like American Idol and Desperate Housewives) and pretend to enjoy them, too.
73. you made friends with all my cats (okay, with almost all of them).
74. you protect me from carnivorous spiders. Well, most of the time.
75. of your strength (and I don't mean physically, though that's nice, too).
76. you ordered my soda in a real glass.
77. you encourage me to try new things.
78. you let me drive your car even after seeing the pictures of my car accident.
79. of sneaker curbs.
80. doing simple, everyday things with you, like grocery shopping, makes me happy.
81. you're concerned about me driving through bad parts of town.
82. you give my kids piggy back rides and throw the frisbee with them.
83. you believe in me.
84. you support me.
(some missing??)
85. you say you want me to come to poker even though I'm bad luck.
86. you've made me feel at home.
87. you saved Tinkerbell.
88. we're doing everything new together.
89. you like to have family dinners, too.
90. you’re teaching me how to play poker.
91. you ask when I’m coming home.
92. you run your fingers through my hair sometimes when you're talking to other people.
93. you whisper special things in my ear that make me blush.
94. you play nice music when we sit down for dinner with my kids, even when we're just eating pancakes.
95. you've never left my side, even when I've said hurtful things.
96. you're my 'daddy.'
97. Johnny, Patty, Amanda, Sammy, Eleanor and Abigail don't.
98. you aren't perfect.
101. you're you.
I'll keep adding as I come up with more.....