Technology Effing Hates Me

Oct 17, 2009 01:46

It's been frustrating. First, my 4GB thumbdrive decides to die on me today. The entire drive was wiped clean and its total free space as 0B. It's totally useless now. That's my third thumbdrive that's a gone-case. I lost one and the other got short-circuited. Now I'll have to fork out RM30 to get another 4GB one. T_T

And all I did was to transfer files from the MacBook to the desktop!

Thank god the video files were safely transferred before it went kaput. I would have been screaming in anger if those files were lost as well.

Talking about video files, downloading files from MegaUpload is such hell. The first time, I had to stop downloading while it was halfway done because of a thunderstorm. Next, Safari just went crazy on me and hanged. Which left me no choice but to forcefully close it down, which meant the download was gone. Now I'm trying again for the third time, and I'm leaving the computer on for the rest of the night, and if there are still interruptions, I'm going to kill somebody.


PS: Gracie, you were right. I forgot to give Jo her tie back. But I remembered during English, and that was one hour before school ended. You cursed me! -____- And I don't life f(x)! They seem to be like Pussycat Dolls wannabes. Underage PCD wannabes.

PSS: omfg, GRADUATION is next week! i need to get a dress. a decent one.

as if i'm ever indecent.

technology, school

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