[ 006 | accidental video ]

Jan 08, 2012 18:47

[He wasn’t sure why he was outside or where he was going anymore, all Nathan knew was that he wanted to get home. He wanted to be safe, away from it all, his immortality suddenly holding little value to him.

Something like a yelp escaped him as part of a building landed but a few feet in front of him. His eyes scanned for any sign of familiarity, a sign he might be getting closer, but it was getting harder. Then he sees Rachel, running distance away. What was she even-- ]

Rachel! Rachel! [He runs in her direction.]

[Rachel is, indeed, outside -- but not very far from her designated safehouse, a hand on the collar of her dog, who is snarling and snapping at a familiar, a grotesque creature with a cross-like weapon and an ugly smile. But she manages to drag Evita backwards, underneath an overhang of a building, not hearing her name above the mayhem.]

Evita -- Evita, come inside, we can’t be outside, not unless you want to -- the stupid monster isn’t worth it, let’s go -- !

[By now, Nathan is waving his arms in the air to get her attention. When she doesn’t look his way, his features become just a little desperate. Maybe she had somewhere they could both stay, just until this was over. This would be over, right? This place wasn’t really about to end, was it?

His eyes widen subconsciously.]

Rachel, watch out!

[That gets her attention -- and Rachel looks up sharply, at her name, before she pulls the dog underneath the overhang, to shield themselves from the fire, and she squints into the smoke to try and see who it is -- ]

-- Nathan! -- what are you doing, it is raining fire, get inside!

[The building Rachel is leaning against is beginning to crack -- the overhang is splintering, underneath the constant assault of fire and chaos, until it splits, and begins to fall.]

[He doesn’t have time to think. It isn’t until after he dives in her direction that he remembers Kelly and leaving her behind in the chaos at home. And this was different. This wasn’t mind control or brainwashing, this could be life or death. That’s something he wasn’t sure he could let weigh on his conscience.

He wraps two arms around her waist and physically dives to the ground, rolling away as quickly as possible and-- what just happened? He’s a little breathless]

Are you...okay?

[And Rachel, once she lands soundly on the ground with a cough of pain as the wind is knocked out of her, hears a snarl -- and she immediately shoves Nathan off of her in order to shove a silver blade forward, slashing outward at the familiar that followed them out from underneath the overhang, Raphael’s sword embedding itself in the chest of the small creature. Rachel immediately yelps, at the sensation, before she yanks the sword back out, and she stumbles to her feet, dragging Nathan back up with her.]

Fine -- thank you -- we need to -- inside, now -- Evita!

[And the dog snaps to attention after her.]
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