Sep 14, 2009 21:00
Batman Arkham Asylum: possibly best game I've played this year. Kind of want to play it again, and I already got 100% the first time through.
Shadow Complex: fun little metroidvania game, just about the right length. Just wish the camera would zoom out when I'm getting shot by dudes offscreen.
The Dig: $4.99 on Steam. I've forgotten most of it, am enjoying going back even though the pixels kind of hurt my eyes.
Killzone 2: Twenty minutes in I realized this was not a game I gave a shit about and put it back in the Gamefly envelope. Beautiful graphics, retarded dialog, retarded story, gameplay nothing special.
Looking forward to Scribblenauts. Trying to resist call to go back and start another game of Fallout 3. Anticipating Brutal Legend, Uncharted 2, and Assassin's Creed 2.
video games