Paul Dubois Paris La chanteur Florentin 1865

Oct 02, 2017 23:45

Paul Dubois:"La chanteur florentin" Äußerst feine Bronze, 1865, Barbedienne
Paul Dubois (1829 Nogent-sur-Seine - 1905 Paris)
La chanteur Florentin
1865, Bronze, braun patiniert, Höhe 38 cm
auf dem Sockel datiert
F. Barbedienne Fondeur bezeichnet und P. Dubois signiert
Füße auf dem Sockel sichtbar befestigt und minimal lose

Dubois had put the plaster version of the work in the Paris Salon exhibition of 1865 and it had won him a "médaille d'honneur".

Äußerst feine Bronze
Braun patiniert
Auf dem Sockel signiert und datiert 1865
Mit Stempel „Mécanique"
Gießerstempel „F. Barbedienne, Fondeu"
Unterhalb des Sockels alt bezeichnet und mit Gießerstempel „P" sowie Nummer 110.
Äußerst fein gearbeitete Bronze mit brauner Lackpatina
Die vorliegende Bronze wurde von der Gießerei in verschiedenen Größen gegossen.
(Bei größeren Exemplaren gibt es Preise bis 28.000.-Euro)

Paul Dubois (18 July 1829 - 23 May 1905)
was a French sculptor and painter from Nogent-sur-Seine, France.
His works were mainly sculptures and statues, and he was also a portrait painter.

In 1858 he entered the atelier of Armand Toussaint at the École Nationale des Beaux-Arts.
The following year he travelled to Rome, studying and copying the many great sculptures
and mixed with the likes of Henri Chapu, Alexandre Falguière and Georges Bizet.
As an artist he did not have to struggle with financial problems as his family supported all his studies.
 He stayed in Rome for 4 years and whilst in Rome he executed the works Saint Jean-Baptiste and Narcisse and,
in 1863, was awarded "une médaille de 2° classe" by the Paris Salon for work sent to Paris from Rome.
When he returned to France he completed the study of a young troubadour,
Chanteur florentin du XVe siècle, a work which was to bring him such popular success.

In 1865 and 1876, he was awarded a médaille d'honneur at the Salon des beaux-arts.
In June 1867 he was named Chevalier (Knight) of the Légion d'honneur;
in July 1874 he was named Officer of the Légion d'honneur;
in July 1886 he was promoted to Commander of the Légion d'honneur;
and in 1889 he was decorated with the Grand Croix (Grand Cross) of the Légion d'honneur.

His success was not limited to sculpture and as a painter he was in much demand for portraits
and after 1870 he gave as much time and effort to his painting as to his sculpture.
He also taught at the Académie Julian.
 Dubois died from pneumonia in 1905.

florenz, figur, historismus, signiert, paul dubois, napoleon 3. stil, belle epoque, bronze, paris, bronzeskulptur, barbedienne

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