Henry Cahieux and Ferdinand Barbedienne. Bronze tazza, circa 1880

Aug 27, 2016 17:04


DIM 20 X 41 DIA

Bronze Büste Ariadne / Bacchus

Henry Cahieux and Ferdinand Barbedienne. Bronze tazza, circa 1880

Henry CAHIEUX and Ferdinand BARBEDIENNE Tazza resting on a circular base ornated with palmettes and pine cones.
Pedestal surmounted by an Antiquity style female bust.
One side decorated with a wolf menacing a sheep, and another side with a duck tugging a rabbit.
Side handles with floral motifs and leaves. Signed on the body. Circa 1880

Coupe en bronze reposant sur une base circulaire ornée de palmettes et pommes de pin.
Piétement surmonté d'un buste de femme à l'antique.
Décor d'un loup menaçant un agneau sur une face, et d'un lapin tracté par un canard sur l'autre face.
Anses latérales à motifs de fleurs et de feuillages. Signée sur la panse. Vers 1880

Antique French gilded Bronze and silver Dish, Barbedienne

Antique French gilded Bronze and silver Dish, Barbedienne
Sculptor - Henri Cahieux
this amazingly detailed tazza was found in France.
It is signed both by the artist who created it, Henri Cahieux,
but also by the foundry that produced it.
The tazza or dish is made of bronze with a silver overlay,
which is sculpted in a scene of duck, rabbit, flowers and pond  as well as a dog herding a lamb.
The detail and craftsmanship are amazing.
The artist exhibited in the Salon in Paris in 1850 and 1853, dating this piece to that period.
The dish has two sculpted gilded bronze handles as shown.

Henry Cahieux (1825-1854), head decorator for the artistic bronze founder Ferdinand Barbedienne,
was destined for a brilliant career, as testified by the works of art he sent to the Salons of 1850 and 1853.
Most of these pieces were in the Grecian style, which was very fashionable at the time.
Victor Champier’s article “Industrial Artists”, which appeared in the Decorative Arts Review (December 1888)
echoed the genius of the artist : « Barbedienne had just lost (in 1854), taken by cholera in the prime of life,
this young man with such a promising future, whose works, infused with graceful taste, showed him to be a master ».
At the 1855 Universal Exhibition in Paris,
his lamps which figured as the last testimony of Henry Cahieux, won a medal of honour for Barbedienne’s stand.
His succession in the firm was assured by Louis-Constant Sevin (1821-1888) with great success.

CAHIEUX Henry. COUPE circulaire en bronze doré et argenté à décor d'animaux :
loup, mouton, canard et brebis. Anses en forme de branchages stylisés et ornées de fleurs et palmettes.
Piédouche surmonté d'une tête de femme à l'Antique. Signé dans le décor. Inscriptions "F. BARBEDIENNE fondeur". Haut. 20,5 cm.

Ariadne (griechisch  - die Heiligste, lateinisch u. a. Ariadna, italienisch Arianna)
war in der griechischen Mythologie die Tochter des kretischen Königs Minos und seiner Gattin Pasiphaë,
einer Tochter des Sonnengottes Helios.
Sie half Theseus den Minotauros zu besiegen.
Später wurde sie zur Braut des Weingottes Dionysos.
Auch galt sie in Kreta als Fruchtbarkeitsgöttin.
In dieser Funktion wurde sie außerdem auf Naxos, Delos, Zypern und in Athen verehr
Ariadne wurde in der Literatur, in der Bildenden Kunst und in der Musik vielmals zum Thema genommen,
zum Beispiel im Werk Triumph des Bacchus.

Bertel Thorvaldsen, Bacchus, ca. 1804-1810
Marble, 72.3 cm (as recorded on the 1927 photograph). Unsigned.
Location unknown

Location of the original:
Bust in the Capitoline Museums, Rome
At the time of Ropp’s commission, the bust was regarded as an Ariadne.

This sculpture bust is a lovely representation of Greek nymph Ariadne,
who fell in love with Theseus and helped him to escape from the Labyrinth after killing the Minotaur.
Original in Capitoline Museum. Rome.
Period: Roman Imperial (1st-4th century A.D.)

tazza, gründerzeit, hellenismus, bacchus, medaille, tafelaufsatz, ДРЕВНОСТИ, patinierte bronze, renaissance, neoklassizismus, plakette, henry cahieux, antike, ausstellung, napoleon 3. stil, massiv, gross, napoleon iii, mythologie, bildhauer, cassolette, anbietschale, aufsatzschale, tafelschale, kunstgießerei, ornamentik, belle epoque, museale, ariadne, büste, Историзм, punziert, klassizismus, RARITÄT, vintage, historismus, relief, prunkteller, aufsatz, gießerei, original, 19. jahrhundert, frankreich, symbolismus, historismus bronze, paris, empire, prunk, grieche, um 1850, barbedienne

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