Art: Save Yourself (I'll Hold Them Back) for new_kate

Feb 14, 2011 23:30

Title: Save Yourself (I'll Hold Them Back)
Artist: _afterism
Recipient: new_kate
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Merlin, Arthur
Summary: Historical reincarnation AU: Arthur is brought back to life in England's hour of need - during the Blitz. He learns that the nazis are backed by a powerful society of magicians that only Merlin has any hope of defeating.
Warning(s): Scenes of warfare.
Notes: I had a bit of a panic when I read your fic-focused prompts, but I hope these illustrations-of-a-story-not-yet-written are sufficient!
I plan on adding at least two more panels (and turning it into actual Merlin/Arthur) before I post this to my journal, so this is just a de-anon for now. Thank you so much to everyone who commented! ♥

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