
May 29, 2024 21:44

In a world of demons and magic, the truth can become obscured. Our vision and imagination can be influenced, people can be manipulated, their minds completely controlled using the technology of secret government contractors. Even more deeply, a form if energy that most would consider “magic” has existed in this universe since the very beginning of time. This realm or dimension is comprised of energy, it sits adjacent to our dimension, up to the right 90 degrees, followed by an 11th dimension inversion. This can be accomplished a variety of ways, and the energy therein can be utilized in ways that our 2nd and 3rd dimensions cannot manifest as easily, especially without serious often unintended consequences. Think of it as a dimension full of knowledge and boundless supplies of electrical energy. If we could figure out ways to harvest this, the possibilities would seem limitless. Ancient societies across the universe have tapped into this knowledge with organs similar to Human beings pineal gland, different but similar practices and forms of meditation, and different varieties of technology both; arcane and futuristic.

On Earth (in my dimension) Human beings have encountered ancient arcane ruins from societies far from Earth. The Zhilakai were an insectoid species, slender and elogated bodies covered in iridescent scales that shimmered blue and green. Delicate and angular faces with large black eyes, that seem to absord the might entirely. Bipedal in nature, but winged, which they use to hover delicately.

They lived in arcanely built but entirely advanced crystalline formations, seemingly natural but entirely engineered. A form of technology that from the surface with a human eye, looks smooth and without purpose, but with the eyes of a Zhilakai which had natural ability to Micro zoom and Macro zoom, up to 1000x each way, it was easy to see the crystalline structures were somehow inlayed or etched with micro circuitry and crystalline based proccess structures. The Zhilakai built entire cities that were crystalline based computers, connected over miles.

With this processing and computing ability and technology, the Zhilakai became the most advanced species the entire universe had known.


"In the dance of the cosmos, electricity is the spark that ignites the universe, while magnetism is the unseen force that binds its intricate patterns. Together, they weave the very fabric of reality, turning the mundane into the magical."

- Dr. Alistair Thorne, Arcane Physicist and Scholar of the Eldritch Sciences

Our universe is bound by arcane, alchemical and physical laws.

"Alchemy is the divine art that holds the secrets of transformation within its grasp. With but a single touch of the philosopher's stone, lead becomes gold, and the ordinary transcends into the extraordinary. It is the ultimate force, capable of reshaping reality itself and unlocking the boundless potential hidden within the mundane. In the hands of the enlightened, alchemy is as unstoppable as the tides and as powerful as the stars."

- Magnus Aurelius, Alchemical Genius of the 15th Century
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