Hey guys. It's been a really long time, I know. Everyone has things to take care of, we just had to do it all at once, I guess. Forgive us and continue reading our scanlations? :x
Besides the releases, I'm also announcing that from this point on, releases will have a mediafire link for five days. After that, the only place you can get them will be our IRC channel. You can find all of our past releases there as well. There are a few reasons we're doing it this way (this is pretty much contrary to any other group that releases on IRC), but it's mainly because I want to see more people in our channel, but we also want to remain convenient for everyone :)
So yeah, now I'll introduce our IRC channel! You can now visit and chat it up with us at
#inmeliora@irc.rizon.net! There's at least one of us there at all times (and some of us idling or whatnot). Our bot's name is Capella, and it's just fun and active, unlike most IRC channels. I promise that if you take the time to figure out how to get on and talk to us, you'll enjoy it :) We'd LOVE to meet all of you who read our scanlations!
Now, on to what you guys actually care about. First things first, 07-Ghost 38-40. This release includes 38, 39-1, 39-2, and 40. Before you ask "WTF, 39-1 and 39-2?!" I'm going to say that the magazine made a mistake. They ARE different chapters, and you SHOULD download both. Besides, they're both made of awesome anyway.
Lingering Snow
Next, we have another chapter of Vassalord. Vampires are so sexy. We'll release chapter 14 as soon as we can. We're currently in the process of cleaning and translating :) Hopefully we won't make you guys wait too long to be caught up! Also, in case any of you didn't know, Vassalord will now be a bi-monthly publication, which means it'll release every other two months instead of inconsistently/whenever Chrono Nanae felt like it.
The Rain That Falls On Diluppo (Final Part)
And finally, a project we decided to pick up because we acquired a scanner, a translator, a proofreader, and an editor who wanted to work on it. We hope to bring you guys MQ/HQ releases of Pandora Hearts from this point on, so look out for more soon! If anyone else wants to help out a bit, just let us know. We're always looking for more help. Also, for clarification, we are not trying to "steal" this project or stomp on anyone's parade by doing it. We just really love the series, and as groups before us have done, we decided to work on it as well. If anyone has a problem with it, let us know?
Madness of Lost Memory
Request download links here. Right, that's it. Hopefully we'll have more soon! We'd definitely have more sooner if we had more cleaners and typesetters 8D Why not