コイ・マネ - 日吉丸晃

Mar 26, 2009 14:58

Love Mimicry
Koi Mane

By Hiyoshimaru Akira (日吉丸晃)

Genre(s): Yaoi, School Life
Magazine: Daria
Publisher: Frontier Works
Status: 2 Chapters

Chikanari's kouhai, Kamo, is head over heels in love with him, to the point where Kamo does everything in his power to be "together" with Chikanari - including changing his hair to have the same style and color, and even getting hurt in the same places. Chikanari's view of love is completely different, so how will these two continue their relationship despite all the odds?

All previous chapters are available on our IRC Channel ( irc://irc.rizon.net/inmeliora). Pack number listed below.

Chapter 1 - /msg Capella XDCC send 25

We've given this project to Shinmakoku Scanlations. Check them out for more future relases!

!projects - dropped, project: koi mane

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