Mar 02, 2006 01:48
So last night was one of the most inspiring nights I've had and I think I should probably share it with you guys.
I went to the Frathouse with Jordan but he had to leave because of his shitty-ass curfew.
So I stayed with Mike and drank quite a lot...
I don't want this entry to come off like, "Oh, man! I got sooo wasted, whoo-hoo!" But yeah...
Once closing time came around Mike and I headed on over to Ryan's. He happens to be the owner of the Frathouse.
His house wass amazing, his friends, his entire lifestyle was definitely beyond comprehension especially he was just insane.
We didn't end up leaving until a little after 6 o'clock in the morning, but that didn't even matter...
I felt like a fucking rock star.